May 17 pt2

189 6 2

Vic's POV

I blow out a harsh puff of smoke and look around me frantically. Kellins in the back room and has been for the past 20 minutes. i dont know how much longer i can take this,
cus it definitely shouldn't take that long for him to buy coke, especially someone as experienced as him. My foot taps and taps repeatedly as i watch the blunt get passed around.

Im currently in a room with multiple unknown faces, besides a few guys that i saw the last time i was here. I learned that their names are Jonny and Dennis.

"Dude fucking take it," jonny said from my left. i shot him a quick sorry and took the blunt and placed it in my mouth. after inhaling i blow out some O's and pass it to my right.

this is dennis.

"So, Victor, can i call you vic? I'm gonna call you vic," Dennis stood up from his spot in the circle and walked over to me and Jonny. I tried to get a few words out but he wouldnt let me. with a cold but weirdly enticing tone he spoke, "what is your story? why are you here?" hes now sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

"I uh, im here with someone- kellin. I came here with kellin," i sipped on some drank and answered his question. Dennis pulled out a notebook and now seems to be writing something down... weird.

"what are you writing?" i ask, trying not to get too upset. I want friends, even if they are older, have personality issues, and are addicted to things.. itll all be worth it. Kellin likes guys who are liked.

"Just a little something- it doesnt matter," he said with such suaveness in his voice, i dont even know why i was ever peeved. "I think i can help you with your,,, kellin problem."

At that i was willing to give him anything. We talked, Jonny occasionally joining in. We talked about kellin, my undying love for him, and anything he would ask about. Throughout it all he wrote and wrote in that little notebook of his.

"What do you think about doing to him?" he says while pointing his pen at me.

"anything he wants me to do. everything. ultimately marrying him." I say without even thinking

"Hmm" with a nod of his head he goes back to writing things down.

I go to gulp down more lean but to my dismay, the cup is empty. "I got to go!" I quickly stand up, but before i could head to the door i feel a light but very firm grab on my arm.

"To get more lean?" he inquisitions, i give him a "duh" look. he closes his eyes and sighs, "Fine Victor, go get more lean, but know that kellin will never love you, especially with the way you're going about trying to get him to."

i scoff and throw his arm off me, and storm out of there. I need to find kellin! ....after i fill up.

Kellin's POV

I sniff up countless lines of some unnamed pill. all i know is Jayvon gave it to me, and that guy loves his opiates. Me on the other hand, not so much.

I let out a heavy breath and fell back onto the bed, feeling it everywhere. The music fades out and i start to feel the world expand around me. I don't like it. I don't like feeling small.

"Jay" i can barely hear myself. I weakly lift my arm in the air in an attempt to gain his attention. but nothing. "JAaaAaAaaaayyy....!" i try louder, but its still weak and faint.

I give up. No one wants me. No one will ever be there for me. so i relax. i continue to lay on the bed, letting the world dissolve around me.

I hear a door slam open. yelling. thumps. a scream. but i dont care. this bed is soft.

But then i feel a force. a grab. Someone is holding me up by my shoulders.


theres blood on his face. I look down, theres blood everywhere.

'kellin' he keeps saying, but i can barely hear him. All i hear is ringing.

"Viic.." i weakly say

"KELLIN!! oh thank god, WHAT DID YOU TAKE!"

"just.. just a lil bit of those," i point in the direction i remember the bottle being. He quickly lays me back down, and turns my head to the side after placing a pillow under it.

He looks back at me with his golden brown eyes before going in the direction i pointed.

Through blurry eyes i watch him frantically search the room. He throws clothes, a cat, alcohol and pill bottles. he is seething. frantic mumbling paired with the searching is really making him look like a psychopath.

I close my eyes.

Vic's POV


i just saw him there. I thought he was dead. I just reacted. I took out my anger on the first person i saw, the person that drugged kellin. He was going to hurt him. I had no choice.

Jayvon's dead. His blood is all over my hands. I will go to jail. kellin will never love me. I start to laugh. I laugh and laugh, i cant stop it. its overwhelming. Kellin is passed out on the bed and I'm laughing like a maniac.

At least kellin is safe. I will keep him safe. Vic, you will keep him safe.

With a deep breath i finish working on the blood stain on the carpet. If you ever want to know how to get rid of one all you need is one simple thing, Vodka. I doused the spot and picked up kellin. Jayvon's body is out the window, the room is back to "normal", everything is going to be perfect.

three, in. six, out.

I grab a joint out of my pocket, light it, and throw it onto the red patch. It immediately goes up in light blue flames. The carpet eventually melts under the heat. once i know the evidence is burning, i grab kellin and bolt out of there.


I dragged kellins limp body into the growing crowd in the living room. Ronnie soon pushes his way towards us.

"A fire!? in MY HOUSE!!??"

"Y-YEAH! ITS IN THE BACK ROOM! I-" he shut me up and ran into the hallway with a group of men.

People start running out, i take the opportunity to scram. With kellin draped over my shoulder i start swiftly walking down the street.

"Hey, you need a ride?" I look to the voice and see Dennis and his roommate Mac in a dark green Range Rover. I have no choice but to accept, especially if i want to get kellin home before he wakes up.

OK SO YEA!!!! The drama starts. tehe jk the fucjing insane murder starts :D im actually having so much fun with this. get ready for it to escalate.

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