August 23

63 1 0

Kellin hasnt left our bed since the assembly.

i didnt want him to find out like this..

its just horrible. why couldn't they just let him forget!

i softly nudge his side, trying to get his attention.

"kellin, honey, do you want to get up? get some coffee?"

a grumbled "no" comes from the blankets.

i wait a minute before i say what i have to say, "its monday.. do you want to go to school?"

"I NEVER WANT TO GO THERE AGAIN!!" he started kicking and screaming.

"never again?" ...this is too good to be true

"NEVER!!" he threw a pillow at me, and i took that as my cue to leave.

if we didnt have school i could focus so much more time on him! we could just be together all the time!

additionally,,, i could drink as much lean as often as i want!!!

giddy, i drive the car to Ronnie's house.

i see an opportunity opening up in front of my eyes! since we'll have more time on our hands i can open up a new money making venture!

the keys jingle as i take it out of the ignition. i let out a contempt sigh, im not really stoked for this.

"ronnie..!" i groan

"yea, berger?" he put the cash he was counting into a safe before joining me on the couch.

"so, i heard from Jonny that you need a new guy to run for you.."

"go on.." he folded his hands in front of him.

"i could be that guy," i scratched my ear.

"oh.. yeah i guess, sure." he nonchalantly tossed a trash bag of little baggies of pot to me.

i caught it in mid air, cus im skilled like that, but looked at it questioningly.

"i can sell something more high risk than this..."

"you sure you can handle that?" he caught the bag as i tossed it back to him.

"yes." i rolled my eyes

"alright, alright, alright!"

he got up and went behind the couch. he scrounged around for a bit before returning with a childrens backpack.

"you watch paw patrol?" i chortled

"i stole this from one of my students,"

i gasped in shock!

"funny right?" he said, sitting down.

he opened the bag, examining the contents. ronnie counted to 15 before reaching under the table to grab a beer.

"so, 15 bags of 5 pills. 5 bucks per pill. 250 total." he popped the cap off in his mouth and took a big gulp.

"where'd the extra 25 come from?" is this guy trying to screw me over or something?!? i am not one to be fucked with!

"entry fee..." he passed me a beer and smiled

well i guess that makes sense


i pondered for a moment... is this worth it? what if i get caught? that would ruin everything.. but.. i need the money.... my funds are starting to run low... ive had to start dipping into the saving account i made for kellin.

when i first got my job i opened a savings account figuring that since i didnt pay rent or have a car i should save my money for important things. for kellin. ive already spent a few thousand on gifts for him. months of slinging lattes.

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