June 2

171 7 1

Kellin's POV

Do i feel like partying? not really. I havent since the night of the fire. Recently my definition of partying has been doing a few bumps alone in my room. Maybe justin or oli will come over and we'll smoke some weed, but thats happened like.. twice.

yesterday was the last day of junior year. Everyone keeps texting me, party invites, summer plans, dick pics, but im not interested. I just cant stop thinking about what happened.

I did a lot of lines. the entire night is a blur. I know i was laying on the bed. I know Vic came in the room at some point. I know i was in the room when the fire started, Vic says I passed out right before it happened.

Vic said a lot of things.

The day after, i approached him at school. i needed answers. according to him, he came in looking for me. after seeing me passed out on the bed he decided it was best he stayed and watched over me. He lit a joint. ash somehow dropped onto some spilled alcohol. the room went up.

But the thing is, i remember more than that. I remember him grabbing me, and there being blood. I remember watching Vic while he rampaged the room, for what? I dont know. I dont know a lot of things.

He insisted that it was an accident. He insisted that i imagined the blood. He insisted that everything was fine. But it just seems so off... but i guess thats what drugs do to you.

Speaking of.....

Vic's POV

Im stressed. Ive had a very stressful few weeks. Kellin has gone right back to ignoring me. I had to dispose of a body. I nearly burned a house down. the school year, aka kellin time, ended.

if i had kellins number i would just text him, tell him how beautiful he looks. but no, he couldnt give it to me because I SET THE FUCKING HOUSE ON FIRE. Jesus vic, get a grip.

i paced back and forth on the porch. the wooden deck creaking every few steps.

Its been far too long since ive seen my love.. 9 days to be exact. he didnt come to the last week of school. he was there the week before. he talked to me, once and it was about the fire but it was still amazing. i miss him everyday..

I cant wait any longer. I take a deep breath and walk up to the door. i close my eyes and leave three solid knocks. After a bit, a woman with a stoic expression opened the door.

she was wearing a dark gray pants suit and had her hair up in a neat bun. she definitely works some high brow office job, maybe thats where kellin gets his coke addiction.

"Are you here for kellin?" she asked with absolutely no emotion in her face. How did she know?

"Uh, yeah,"

She opens the door for me and moves out of the way, "upstairs, second door to the left." Then she was gone.

I followed her directions and soon i was outside the door. Breathe vic, you need to be calm for him. He can't be scared of you.

i knocked.

Immediately kellin yells, "BITCH WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

"its, uh.. me- vic,"

silence. then...

"....come in"

I open the door and walk in. his room is a mess, theres old dishes, clothes, and empty dime bags everywhere. Kellin is just sitting on his bed with his head down.

"Kellin whats wrong?" I approach his bed, wanting to comfort him. "You don't seem to be doing that well.."

he looks up at me with teary eyes.

"I WILL NEVER BE OK VIC!" he cries. kellin jumps into my arms and i hold him. I ignore the erratic thumping in my chest, oh my god kellin is in my arms and it was his choice.

I shuffle onto the bed, still holding his body against mine. I rub his head and tell him ill help him through it. I tell him i will always be there for him. i tell him the truth.
(by truth vic means his truth, not that he is deranged but what he thinks is healthy and normal.)

Kellin cries and cries and i let him. hours pass. we're now laying down, him cuddled into my chest, and my arms holding his head. he fell asleep, but i could never. the whole time we've been here all ive been able to think about is how much he loves me.

Kellin loves me. he must. why else would he let me hold him like this. He wants to be with me. and for the rest our lives. Hes so perfect. I wish i could kiss him right now, but i would want him to remember our first kiss.

Kellin's POV

i wake up to the smell of cologne. not mine, but vics. I quickly open my eyes and sit up, accidentally waking up vic.

"Ah! WHAT!! WHATS WRONG!" he sat up and looked all around the room before calming down and looking to me, "are you ok?"

"pshh yeah, why wouldnt i be?" i scoff and turn my head.

"Its just.. last night, you were..."

"It was nothing." i shot him down and got up, "coffee?" i jumped off the bed and quickly grabbed a pair of black skinnies off the floor and put them on.

"uh.. yea i guess"

"Great, lets go!" i grab my tote and my keys, hurrying out of the room, vic close behind.

the entire way to Pete's Vic kept bugging me about "being ok" like theres a way the kellin quinn isnt ok. I assure him that I'm fine for the millionth time as we pick up the cold drinks.

"I told you that i liked it here right?" Vic spoke up for the first time since i told him to shut up back at the coffee shop.

"If i remember correctly, you said you like me, not this spot," i laughed and looked over at him to see him already looking back at me. he's sitting next to me along the bank of the small river.

"Well both are true." he said with the most genuine look, "you're the most amazing person i have ever met kellin, i really hope you know that." His eyes never leave mine. but mine leave his.

"Any plans for this summer?" i say in attempt to change the subject.

"Just work," i felt his eyes go back to the river as his tone dipped.

"Great! We'll be friends. do stuff." I put my peppy voice back into use, i need it. he probably needs it too.

"What! Really!?" his eyes are wide and bright, perfectly pairing the smile below them.

"Yes Vic," a smile on my lips but fire on my tongue "..dont blow it."

"Of course i won't! Ill be your best friend ever, you wont regret this decision!" omg hes completely obsessed with me! Laugh Out Loud! this is too easy, I can't believe people love me that much.

i really am that bitch.

i give him my number and say my goodbyes.

the second i get in my car he texts me. Its just a simple 'hi' but it makes me feel so... so.... light. it makes me feel loved. Someone actually cares about me. and not just for clout or sex. or least i can have hope for it.

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