past issue

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Life became different from that day fourth. Mom and Dad transferred me to a more secure village, they bought a house there wherein every month they got the time to visit me privately. Dad as well hired some two bodyguards who doesn't get tired of following me wherever I go; it's Kuya Manuel and Fernan. Whatever I do with them, they never ever complain. It seems like life has been much more easier when they are around. There are days that Dad doesn't allow me to go shopping or getting more exposed to the outside, Kuya Manuel and Fernan always saves the day for me. I got spoiled enough to buy everything that I want, and sometimes I become bratty about it— I must admit that.
Like I've mentioned earlier, Mom and Dad never miss to visit me monthly with my Kuya's and we always have this vacation wherein less people are there. Mom always chooses to keep me hidden so I can stay protected since some people tend to attack them unanticipatedly. My family never wants me to experience that.
For the last 3 centuries, the Marcoses has been a big name to the country. Especially with the word (dictators, Thieves, Killers, liars). I never asked mom about it cause I don't have the guts, and I'm scared that I might be able to hurt her feelings.
Yaya Marie and Kuya Buding also joined me living in the house, Mom and Dad made them as officially part of the Marcoses attendants. They treat their attendants as their family too like ; they never forget to give them presents or surprise them every birthdays or important events. Mom and Dad also bought Yaya Marie and Mang Buding their own house just like what they did to the others. They were also the one whom I mostly ask regarding with the past issues to my family and they never said anything bad to them. They as well consider theirselves as loyalist (which I heard from Yaya Marie and Yaya Buding ever since) after all the greatness that the Marcos Family showed to them. They never believe to all those accusations.
At my school, I have tons of friends but I only consider one as my truest and that's Veronica Duterte which I call kitty in short. Kitty and I became friends since I started entering the school. She's a newbie and I was too. Kitty has always been my number one supporter especially to every contest that I will join in. I love to sing, dance, draw and kitty was always there to encounter those. I'm very much as well close to her family since the Duterte's and Marcoses are good acquaintances. It was as well additional points learning that both of our families are friends too. We've been friends for years and things never changed between us. We were very much used to each other and as well very much comfortable. She sleeps on my house and I did on hers too. Her sister Sara treats me like a daughter especially when Im consistently staying at their house for a sleepover.
I'm not famous at my school because of my Family, No one knows about me being an adopted daughter of Irene Marcos and Greggy Araneta except to the principal and some chose deans who were at least a supporter of our family too. I got my popularity there at school because of the contest that I've been joining and being as well the president of the school and the candidate of being a valedictorian. I always play safe there most especially with my academic and my reputation.
I never ever want my family to be embarrassed.
I'm very much afraid to disappoint my parents after all of those expectations that they have from me. It was a complete pressure especially that they've been planning my whole life ever since.
Dad also wants me to be the next CEO of our business company. It was supposed to be my brothers but yet they declined the offer though they have their dreams too and being the CEO of the company aren't part of it. Every dinner Dad always discuss that and even started to train me when I was 16. They also wants me to graduate as valedictorian of school so it can be a great peripheral points when they also decides to transfer me to Princeton or Harvard for my College. They want me to proceed Doctorate and live my life there, far away from the Philippines wherein all they receive was just hate. They never want me to encounter that. My two Kuya's was as well studied abroad and chooses to stay there to keep them safe from the issues of the family too.
Things were pretty rough upon hearing some hurtful statements from the books that describes the family that I grew in and that made me very much interested so I did my research. I wasn't doubting them about it but I just really wanna be updated. After years of conserving from different articles, I confirmed it to myself that they were accurately not guilty from all of those outspoken words. I really felt sorry for them and it makes me mad to think that why the hell they don't have plans to clear their name to people when all of them are innocent from all the accusations. Questions pops on my head and I'm very much used to find answers immediately.
I got the time to open the topic to my mom.
She's alone in there bedroom since Dad might be in the shower. They got home here for a vacation and as well as to visit me.
The door is slightly open and I saw her sitting on her bed, I knock at her door three times and she immediately look up to see who was it.
Mom beam at me and says, "Come in sweetheart." she signalled her hand and let me sit on her side.
"Do you need anything anak?" she softly ask, smoothly and calm. Mom's voice is my most favorite. She's so far one of the chill person I've ever met.
I shook my head repeatedly and sigh. I have to gather all the guts to answer my curiosity. "I just want to ask you something—-if that will be okay?" I was a little hesitant on my tone though I'm very much sensitive that I might offend her anytime.
She looks deeply on me. "Sure nak, what is it?"
I heave a sigh and even bothered to swallow my fear and worry. "The our school. You know?...discusses some a little abhorrent stories about the family." I was very much trying hard to sugar coat some words to lessen hideous reaction of my mother and I never wish for that to happen.
Mom face changed. That intensely made me worry. "Do you believe on them anak?" Her tone sounds blue. I can't take it if my mom is like this.
"Of course I did my research too. I read and searched to seek the truth and..." she waits for my answer as I rush spitting those.
"Why the hell you are letting them judge you like that? They brainwashed the people mommy, someone has to speak up for you." I raise my voice, couldn't endure the emotions that I have inside of me.
"The martial law is at the extreme need of people because of the anarchy in the country papa ferdi made a right decision about it."
"And how bout those victims of medulla massacre? How come they couldn't think about them?"
"Those yolanda victims, how come they managed to starve them all out?"
"The denvaxia mom? Can they even sleep at night thinking that they abandon innocent people who even don't have the yet knowledge about the world?"
"Kayo lang ang may pakialam sa kanila mommy!"
"How come they could just let it slide?"
I can't stop speaking.
Mom let out a small laugh. Her expressions instantly changed. She looks satisfied.
She place her palm above mine as she took it and raise it up to softly squeeze it. "I can suggest it to your dad that we should let you study law instead."
"Mom!" I made a face. "I'm serious here for goodness sake."
Her smile turns even more widely. "Truth hurts anak, We love those people whatever happens anak. The way we love them is on how much papa ferdi loves them. We can't hurt them."
"But they are hurting you! Can't you see that?" I insist.
she immediate replied, shaking her head. "Just because they hurt us doesn't mean we have to bring it back to them as well."
"Like I said, Mahal namin sila anak and we don't want any harm or offensive words to hurt their feelings." she added.
I groan and rolled my eyes facing the other direction. "Basta, if I just find out that someone attacks you again. Ako na makakalaban nila."
She shush me, "We don't have to do that. Truth will prevail soon anak."
"How come it will prevail if no one even stands for you guys?" I quarrelled.
"When things are right, It'll be. It's all gonna be fine." she kissed my cheeks and cupped my face.
"I'm just glad you have the knowledge to seek it for yourself." she pinch my nose.
"I meant what I said mom. If someone attacks the fam, ako talaga makakalaban nila." she just laugh.
At the age of 17, I became one of those person who fought for the rights of the Marcoses. Whoever curses or deceives their name, I never let it slide on my fingers.
Tita Imee heard the news to our family on how multiple times I got into a catfight just by defending my family. She efforts to visit me in Ilo-Ilo amd finally I got the chance to meet her personally. Tita Imee is the most savage among all of them. She taught me a lot of things when she had her vacation here. We immediately click because on how close our attitudes are. She told me how proud she is but Tito Bong scolded her about it. Just like Mom, Tito Bong as well doesn't want me to give time to those people but I just couldn't ignore it. Tito Bong constantly visits me too together with Mama LAM. They spend their spare time with me since their three kids were studying abroad. I immediately got close to the two couple since they were very much like a mom and dad to me. They were mom and dad's substitute if they couldn't make it to come home due to hectic schedules. However I was the one who adjusted to visit Tita Aimee at her hometown on her birthday. Mom said that she is so thrilled to meet me since I'm the niece she only has, so mom planned to surprise her and made me as their present to her. She borrowed me for a couple of months, and we did unforgettable memories too which aswell made us both so close. Mama meldy on the other hand surprise visit me when she was the one who put on my medals on my recognition. She looks so proud. She even forced me to join beauty pageants and so I tried it too. Mama meldy became my mentor on that case. She never miss any of my pageants and even was the one suggesting for me. I also met the Romualdez and the Araneta side, I never miss one person to be close with.
I got the attention that I need from the family. And it made me more bratty since I'm mostly spoiled to them.

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