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Kuya Simon helped me to get out from the room amd we both went together on our way downstairs. We stop by when we saw ate Xandra with her worrying face searching for something but when she saw me, her face starts to feel satisfied.
She went to me and took a look on each part of my body. Ate Xandra knows that some times if I got attack with my anxiety I hurt myself. "Are you okay?"
I bob at her repeatedly and gave her a sneer. She pulled me for a hug and whispered. "God, you got me so worried."
She lets me go and noticed Kuya Simon on my back. Ate Xandra's expression changes. "Oh."
"You're with simon?" Her tone sounds different, it's either she's teasing me or really is asking a question.
"Yeah, he found me." I answered. She made a face so I pinch her immediately. "Ate!"
She teases me to Kuya Simon every time. Sometimes nga I felt shy na kase I think Kuya Simon already noticed it.
"Love?" Kuya Luis showed up from the stairs.
When he saw me, he immediately pulled to hug me. He kisses my foreheads and check on me. "You okay?"
I nodded. "We should go down."
"Yeah, I agree." He sigh. "Everyone's been waiting for you."
"Why?" I ask in curiosity.
"First." Kuya Simon handled him a blindfold and he puts it on me.
"Okay, what kind of prank is this again Kuya?" I wondered.
The three of them laugh. "A prank that you might actually like." He responded.
I heard him whispered "Si." Then I felt a palm held mine.
I tried my best to familiarise it and I'm certain that it is not my Kuya Luis so I predicted immediately that it's Kuya Simon. I grip onto him tightly as we made our way to the stairs.
I got sure when I heard his voice instructing me, "okay, take it one step at a time." I held his hand even more tighter as I follow his lead.
He guides me all over but I couldn't stop myself from worrying. "Kuya, I might fall ha."
"It's okay, I'm here." He made sure, gripping onto my hands.
As we reach on the ground. I can hear murmurs and the reflection of warm white light reflecting on the blindfold. "You make sure this is worth it ha." He laugh.
That when I also realize he lets go of my hand. I gesture my hands and search for him randomly. "Kuya!" I worried.
I felt his arms on my shoulders. "I'm here, Max."
He slowly removes the blindfold and I was surprise to see everyone.
As the warmer breeze approaches, I realized we're on our back yard. It was surrounded by a fresh air and a wide space, big enough for everyone to fit. There's a big white round couch in the middle wherein foods are served in a wide center table. The backyard were surrounded by string lights, lanterns and candles bright enough to enjoy the beauty of lightings. There's as well a griller wherein barbecues are being served, I can see Kuya Matt and Borgy was the one handling it. But then, everyone approaches when the blindfold was removed. The first one I came to see is mom and dad who even took time to hug me tight.
Everyone sung with a cake on Kuya Alfonso's hand. "Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!"
I smiled, seeing everyone on their faces. "Make a wish bunso," Kuya Alfonso said.
I closed my eyes and had some spare time saying my wish silently before I blew the p.  Everyone clapped their hands and each by each hugged me.
Kuya Vincent was the one being still distant as he just approach to hug me and then back to ignoring me. It saddens me so much since he was supposed to be my closest among all of them.
I enjoyed myself with my fam as we chat peacefully and happily that time. No one bothers to open a topic about the company and marriage. I assume they all planned it out to atleast make me feel better.
Just when I decided to have a alone time with myself. I move forward on touring the backyard and come to reach the garden area. They say gardens are the best way to escape chaos and I surely wanna try it today.
As I enter through the main gate, The compact nature of shrubs naturally draws my eyes because they create such an intensely concentrated visual. This is particularly the case if you get a flowering shrub, where you can enjoy the added bonus of color bursts popping from its stoic green surface area. Lights were all over the place and flowers is scattered on each sides. In the middle, The sight and sound of a stream of water bubbling, dripping, and splashing on rocks or a flat surface is something that's immensely calm and soothing on which distracted me, it was a fountain with some two swings and bleachers in the front.
I chose to seat on the bleachers wherein you'll be able to face to face the fountain. I sat there and enjoyed like a kid. Peaceful surroundings and all you can hear is the sound of water.
"You really love being alone?" I know that voice. I always familiarize that voice. And that voice was used to be my favorite every voice recording and calls.
I didn't turn back but instead answered. "What are you doing here, Kuya Sand?" I weakened my tone.
He sigh, and I felt he was coming closer and yes he did. He showed up on my side and chooses to sit next to me. "Do you wanna know something about fountains?"
I didn't answer. I'm not mad at him, natatampo siguro oo. I just didn't expect that Kuya can be this flinty and harsh personally.
He knows I'll still listen anyways so he continued, "They say Fountains are the teachings of the wise which they call fountain of life. The focus of this one is that the teaching of the wise itself actually means that it can accomplish good, it represents the things that they know about, have practiced and be willing to pass along to others. Thats why the water keeps flowing, cause the passing won't end until it'll be on purpose."
He pause, taking a lot of courage to say. "That's what we are to you."
"We have this expectations, Pressured duties on you because we just want you to be ready if we're going to pass it on to you the responsibilities." He declared.
He bump his shoulders to mine and that made me face him. "I'm sorry if I'm being too mean."
"It's not that I don't believe in you, Its just that I just want you to be fully ready about it." He proceed.
He look at me and says. "Psst, tingin ka ganda."
That made me smiled and so I face him. "I'm sorry." He pinch my cheeks.
I laugh and tries to dodge away his hands to avoid from pinching my face. "Okay na, Okay na."
"Eto na lang I'll make a big bawi na lang." He said.
"You'll treat me on a dinner date tomorrow," I rushed.
He stopped and looks to me. He looks serious—its not mad nor offended. Not anything negative. So I immediately added with, "Kuya!"
He blinks repeatedly. "Okay ka lang ba?" I was worried.
"Yes, of course." He looks away. "What are you saying nga pala kanina?"
"We should go on a date po, tomorrow for your bawi." I repeated.
He face me again, curious again. "What? You want us to go on a date?"
"Um, yeah. Like a cousins date or something." I explained. "Did I said something wrong?"
He shook his head. "No," He covered with a smile. "And sure, we'll do that tomorrow."
"Yes!" I joyfully replied and went over to hug him. He lets go and stared at me once again. Until, a firework showed up perfectly seen on our spot. I took time to enjoy it and even bothered to lie down on Kuya Sandro's shoulder. He slowly extended his arms and grip on my hips as he lays his head on mine too.
I just wanna enjoy night like this with Kuya Sandro. I did very much look forward to spend time with him and my heart is so glad this happened.
He will always be my Kuya Sandro.

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