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"Mom! Dad!" Kuya Simon panicked yelling all over their hall as we both went it. He still didn't let go of my hands as he assists me to sit down on the couch.
He bought me in their house since it's the nearest place to stop by with. As we were on our way home kase we saw some cars who keeps on following us—probably media's.
"What do you need ha?" He faced me, I can really see it on his eyes how worried he was earlier.
"Just a water please, Kuya?" I pleased. "Okay, I'll get that for you." I just nod, letting go of his hands.
"Mom! Dad!" He continued yelling and even managed on peeking on the stairs to hear him up.
"They might probably be asleep na,let it be." I told him.
"Sorry." He silently replied, handling me the water.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Kuya Simon just can't stop checking on me. "Is there anything that hurts? Or do you want me to take you to the doctor?"
"What happened?" Mama LAM and Tito Bong finally went down.
"We heard shoutings, anong nangyari?" Tito Bong questioned.
Kuya Simon stood up. "Max got stampede earlier by tons of people barging in to take selfies with her." He revealed.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay anak?" Mama LAM came closer to check on me.
I felt alittle pain when she touches my arms so I reacted immediately, Mama LAM opened the sleeves and saw bruises on it. "Oh my goodness!"
"Ya Dan!" Tito Bong called out their maid as it showed up immediately. He pleases her to get some ice and the medical stuff that we need. He came closer to help Mama LAM find more bruises.
Kuya Simon was stuck staring all along, I know he's been blaming himself on that scenario. I immediately pulled his hands and look up to him saying, "Kuya." In my most softest tone.
"You should probably call Irene." Mama LAM suggested.
"Yeah, I think so too." Tito Bong replied. He places his arms on my cheeks as a gesture that he'll just come back, I just smiled at him and he soon left the room for a phone call.
"Mama LAM" I whispered.
She faced me immediately, "Yes, sweetheart?"
"Can you leave me and Kuya Simon for a minute please? I just need to talk to him." I favored.
Mama LAM just smiled, "I was suppose to suggest that to you, Max. Thanks for sensing." He meant Kuya Simon's action.
After Mama LAM left, I immediately pulled Kuya Simon to sit down beside me.
He covered his face with his hands and continued being quiet.
I sigh and decided to kneel right infront of him. I slowly removed his hands and said. "Kuya."
He looks at me with his redish teary eyes. Kuya Simon is so red that time. The minute I realized that he was crying, i didn't hesitate to hug him immediately.
He sniffles on my shoulders and silently said. "I'm sorry Max, I wasn't able to protect you."
I shush him and wiped his tears. "You let me out, and that's so much to me."
"Still not enough for me." He deliberate.
"I'm quiet sure there will be no next time naman cause you won't gonna let that happen which is why its okay." I convinced.
He chuckled.
I went back to sit down beside him and rest my head on his shoulders. "I was just too scared cause you aren't there."
I can feel that he looks at me even though my head was still laying on his shoulder, "Please don't ever leave me again, Si."
He moved away and placed both of his hands on my cheeks to make me face him. "Si, huh?" I love his wide smile so much.
I looked away in embarrassment but he pulled my head back to look at him, "I like that."
"And I promise as long as I'm on sight, No harm can come near to you." I can feel the assurance on his words.
I just smiled and went back to resting my head on his shoulder. He took my hands and goes massaging it and ends up on inserting his fingertips to mine.
Just. Then, the door banged open. "what happened? Are you okay?" It was Kuya Sandro with Mama LAM and Tito Bong.
That made us both jump off from the couch and lets go of each other.
Kuya Sandro immediately pulled me away from Simon and goes checking on me. "Where we you ba kase, Simon?" He outrange.
"Hey, it wasn't his fault Kuya. The people were just uncontrollable." I tried to explained.
"Will you calm your nerves Sandro.." Tito Bong scolded him.
"Calm my nerves down, Dad? Look at her, she has bruises. How can I calm down?" He answered back.
"I'm good na nga." I silently covered too.
"You're obviously not!" Kuya Sandro rises.
"Don't shout at her, Sandro!" Kuya Simon berate.
"I'm just worrying on how insensitive you are to not make sure about where you are taking her." Kuya Sandro quarrelled. "How many times do I have to tell you ba Simon to always feel your surroundings, I mean look what just happened! You almost put Max in danger."
"If you manage to just control your posting on social media then Max's probably won't be expose." Kuya Simon answered him back.
"Oh? So my posting is a big deal to you now huh?" Kuya Sandro wouldn't just stop too.
"Would you stop it you two!" Tito Bong came closer to go in between them since they were both facing each other na talaga like attempting each other for a hit. I pulled Kuya Sandro's shirt too since I'm on his side, "that's enough."
"What the hell?" Kuya Simon's voice cracks, "I was just saying about the too much expose of Maxine that puts her in danger, I am not implying anything ha? If that's what your tone trying to say."
"Simon, that's enough." Tito Bong scolds him.
"Oh see! You're guilty of it." Kuya Sandro replied. "I didn't said anything yet but you are already alluding something there."
"Fine! Whatever you say, sandro. You know better always right?"
"No, you expose it to me here right now if what's the hell your problem was!" Now they are trying to reach for each other but Tito Bong is on the middle.
"Hey, Hey that's enough." Mama LAM who is calm earlier joined in to stop them too.
"I don't have problems with you. Just know your boundaries and stop interfering on my life." Kuya Simon replied.
"What interfering i was doing ba hah? You spill up to me here right now, Go!" Kuya Sandro fires back.
"I said that's enough!" I burst. "Aren't you really gonna listen?!"
They both kept quiet. Letting each other go.
"You sounded like an eight years old kid! You're so juvenile!" I let out.
Just then Mom and Dad went in. When I saw them, i immediately ran over to hug mom. "I'm sorry, I just got so scared."
Mom shush me and even lets go of her bag to hug me tight. "It's okay baby, Mommy's here." I can't help but to continue sobbing on my Mommy's shoulder.

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