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I move myself and woke up to see Kuya Sandro fixing his outfit for today. I blink my eyes repeatedly to realize that I was at his room pala. He noticed me that I was already awake so he spoke immediately. "Good morning." He smirk
I just smiled. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen first thing in the morning. "Good morning."
"You better get up na since the maid is scheduled to clean my room at 10." He announced.
"Oh." Is all I can say.
"Yep. That's our life here." He mutter.
"Of course." I quietly replied and get up.
Just as I was fixing myself before leaving, I didn't expect what he was about to say next. "Just make sure when you get out no one was there, okay?"
He didn't bother to look at me, "you know— it should just be between us."
I just nod, my mouth felt like glued not knowing what to response.
The door creak open as I open it, I peek to see no one in the hallway but I first look back to Kuya Sandro who's so busy with his business. "Uh—I should go."
"Mmm.." he agreed.
I just sigh and rolled my eyes. Maybe I should just get used to this. I ran like a child and went in slowly inside my room.
Just again, everything flashback to me. Everything that has happened last night. I felt like it was different Kuya Sandro like its Kuya Sandro different side.
My door loudly knock. "Max—Anak.." it was Mama LAM
"Yes, Mama LAM?" I answered through the door.
I can't open it due to what I look like. My hair is messy, my bra is nowhere to be found and my pajamas are so untidy.
"Breakfast is ready na, come down in a minute?" She said.
"Oh yes mama LAM, I will." I responded
"Okay, we'll wait for you downstairs." She ends.
I sigh in relief and goes to fixing myself so I can immediately go down.

"Hi." I reach at the kitchen to see everyone was already there on their seats. I was obliged to sit beside Kuya Simon and that is infront of Kuya Sandro and on my left side is Tito Bong.
I cant help myself but keep my sight on Kuya Sandro who can't even bother to look at me. 
"Oh, she's here na pala. We can start eating na." Tito Bong said.
"Oh my, I'm sorry I made you wait pa." I told them.
"Not a problem, Max." Kuya Simon express
"How are you feeling ija? Are you feeling comfortable here? Or do you need something?" Tito Bong sounded worried.
"I'm all good Tito Bong," I sneer.
"Are you sure, Max? We can adjust your room if you want." Mama LAM interject.
"Fully sure mama LAM." I assured. I place my hands on Tito Bong palm since I was sitting next to him. "Just chill, okay? I'm very much good here."
"Okay, i think we should fill our stomach na so we can start our tasks." Tito bong pleases the attendants to serve the food and so they did.
"Hmm hotdogs.." Kuya Vincent said. My eyes grew bigger upon seeing it placed in the table like literally infront of me and Kuya Sand.
I can't help but to stare at it for a minute until mama LAM starts talking. "Did you guys know that Sandro really loves hotdogs?"
They all laugh. "It seems like he does mom." Kuya Vincent chuckled.
"Oh shut it." Kuya Sandro reacted.
They all took the hotdogs from the plate. I never liked it anyway.
"Uy boys why did you took it all ba? You didn't left any for Max." Mama LAM scold them.
"Oh no no Mama LAM, I don't really eat those naman." I replied.
Just then Kuya Sandro looked at me. "Really?" He was smirking.
"How bout my hotdog? Do you want to try?" He made tusok the hotdog on his plate and offered it to me.
The awkwardness just constantly gets worse.
I was stunned and doesn't really know what to say next. "Uh-" is all that comes out.
Out of nowhere Kuya Simon placed two hotdogs on my plate. "There, you can eat mine."
Kuya Sandro sternly look at him and puts back the hotdog on his plate.
"You can start eating na, Max." He ALWAYS takes care of me.
"Do you want mine too, Max?" Kuya Vincent inserted.
Kuya Sandro elbowed him as his brows curled up. Then he continued to go back from not looking at me again.
"You stop it you three with the hotdog thing ha?" Mama LAM scold them again.
Tito Bongs watch starts to alarm. "Last 20 minutes for me."
"You're leaving?" I asked. I felt sad thinking just like in our home, I'll be left all alone again.
"Yes ija, I have to attend a meeting at the senate office." He answered.
i pout my lips and went back to eating.
"Don't worry I'll try my best to get home as early as possible." He claimed.
I just smiled, "okay."
"Simon and Vincent is staying naman, max. You won't gonna bore yourself here." Mama LAM said.
"You guys will?" I directed my sight to them
"Of course." Kuya Simon replied
"Yes!" I nearly shout.
"They will?" Kuya Sandro reacts, feeling not happy about what he heard.
"Yap. We will." Kuya Vincent responded happily.
"Well I guess I should cancel mine too." He inserts.
"Uh-uh.." Tito Bong shook his head. "I don't think you can Sand, you have so many works to assist with at the office."
"That's what you get for being a busy man." Kuya Vincent tapped his shoulder. He looks so annoyed.
"Can't I just do that on the next day?" He insist.
"Nope. The job needs to be finished today." Tito replied.
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
he stood up, "I should leave."
He reach to kiss Tito Bong and went over to Mama LAM, he's not talking to me anyway so I continue my breakfast but I was surprised when pause standing right on my side. "What do you want as a pasalubong?" He looks serious. Like he's not joking or something.
"Um—I dont know.. Milktea I guess?" I respond.
"Okay, I'll note that." He said. He reach over to me to give me a forehead kiss. "I'll see you later."
"I guess I'll do too." Tito bong and Mama LAM farewelled as well.
"okay, you take care guys." I said.
I faced the two guys. "So where are we?" They just smiled.

Kuya Simon ordered tons of foods online as Kuya Vincent prepared the living room for us to watch a movie. It felt they really planned for this to happen. They let me sat down between them and started those horror movie film. My phone vibrates so I open it to see a notification from my classes. It says that I have to do my return demonstration in order to be advance on some particular medical subjects. I opened file to see 2 return demo and that abdominal and the injection.
"Kuya's.." I called them as they were busy watching.
They both face me at the same time. "Yes?"
I forced myself to widely smile. "Um kase—"
"Spill it Max." Kuya Simon knew I have something to ask favor with.
I chuckled. "I have this return demo online and that I have to make video while performing it. I just thought you know—.."
"Be your patient?" Kuya Vincent finished it for me.
I nodded, smiling to get their yes. "Uhuh."
"What is it about ba?" Kuya Simon asked.
"Just the abdominal and injection." I revealed.
"Okay," Kuya Simon responded
"He meant okay that you'll not gonna put him in the injection assessment." Kuya Vincent laugh.
Kuya Simon elbowed him. "Of course not." Then he looked to me. "I'm fine with anything."
"Dude you are literally scared of the injection. Are you sure—.." he made a face on Kuya Vincent
"You're scared of the injection, Kuya?" I asked him.
He shook his head. "Nope."
"Okay, I'll just go and grab my staff so we can start." I told them and they both agreed.

I went back to see the both of them still seating down while the tv was already off. I place my staff at the side table and they both helped to put it near to were I'm going to perform.
"Okay, Kuya Vincent you'll be my patient for the abdominal." I declare.
he raise his hands and expressed. "Yes!" He then lie down on the sofa and I started to get ready the camera.
"I'll be the one to hold it na lang kaya?" Kuya Simon offered.
"That would be nice. " I said. He immediately took the camera and be the one to hold it.
I look to Kuya Vincent. "Kuya, are you ready?"
"Yap." He answered.
I signalled Kuya Simon started recording and I as well started the assessment.
I let Kuya Vincent lie down on the sofa and I can't deny with the fact that I got destructed on how he stares at me as I do my job. I explain every procedure and elaborate each by each. Just then I direct to the palpation sensing that Kuya Vincent felt uncomfortable as I touched his umbilical area. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
"Are you okay, Kuya?" I silently questioned.
"Yes." He breaths. "Don't worry, just continue."
I can feel how my heart skips a bit on how he gave me those stares. Those stares that can melt you anytime.
And again since we're discussing abdominal, the more focus is really on performing palpation. I palpate each by each of his stomach area down to is appendicitis at the side of mid clavicular level lower level of the Right lower quadrant.  I finished everything and said my outro then signalled Kuya Simon to end the recording.
"It destructs me, Kuya to be honest." I honestly told Kuya Vincent.
He chuckled. "I'm just so mesmerised on how beautiful my nurse is." I immediately look away on how ai blush uncontrollably.
"Okay, let's do the next one." I pull myself together and tries my best to focus on my return demo.
"Kuya Si," I called.
He handled the camera to Kuya Vincent and so I let Kuya Simon to sit down.
We started but then I noticed that Kuya Simon closed his eyes before I could start.
"He's scared." Kuya Vincent mumble.
I tapped him. "Kuya."
He opened his eyes. I held his arms and gave him a assuring stare. "Sir, just take a deep breath and I'll take care of the rest okay?"
He smiled and nod as he follow what I instructed.
I ask permission that I'll insert the injection and he agreed.
Finally, I reach the last procedure and I finished it everything.
"Thank you guys!" I act cute in front of them two.
"yes, anything for you." Kuya Simon responded.
"So where are we going to eat?" Kuya Vincent asked
"What if.." they all waited for me.

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