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I woke up from the clangorous sound of my alarm banging on my ears cause my phone were just on my side table.
I covered my face with the blanket and groan. Why do I felt like I just took a sleep for minutes?!
Anyways, My cousins bought me home around 10 in the evening and I'm very exhausted but I got to enjoy anyway. Right after dinner, Kuya Sandro bought us to a bar were he always stays in. Kuya Sandro was more likely a very much party kid type of person. He's a kind of man who finds easy to socialise and too smooth to make new friends—he has tons of it. He was aswell the one who got so much expose in the public world since he's so active on his social medias.
Kuya Sandro loves to dj, music was indeed his favorite spare time. He introduced us to some of his party friends that works in the bar. It was kinda uncomfortable since I'm just the only girl there and my kuya's were very much protective. But I got along and enjoyed the night with some new faces.
Right after we went home, Kuya Simon never forgets to remind of some important details that has to be discuss tomorrow. He explained every information each by each and was very much clarified to me. I got to know some unfamiliar thoughts and words because of Kuya Simon's help. He's way so much of a great tutor who has long patience to elaborate each by each.
I finished fixing myself after doing my daily routine, I directed my way downstairs. I was expecting that it could be just me and the attendants who'll join me for breakfast—I was very used. But then when I reached on the dining area, I was surprised to see mom,dad, Kuya Luis, Kuya Alfonso and Ate Xandra at the dining table. It was just recent that Kuya Luis placed something on the table.
They all look to me when they notice I was peeking on them right before I decided to show up, "Bunso! Hi!" Kuya Luis was the first one who saw me.
"Good morning, little lady." Dad greeted.
Ate Xandra smiled, "Seat here now, Your Kuya Luis cooks your favorite."
"Okay," I replied on my unsure tone and went to my seat and that is beside Kuya Alfonso.
"We all are the one who prepared that for you.." mom shared. "So? You'll be judge."
We all chuckled.
"Oh, don't dare me mom!" I answered eagerly.
They manage to continue.
Ate Xandra puts some plenty of meat on my plate and that surprise me, my honesty wraps inside my guilt so I didn't stop myself from saying, "ate, remember! I'm on a diet?"
She just laugh, "It's okay, Just for today."
"Is diet really matter to you now?" Kuya Alfonso came closer and whispered it in my ears. I spank him lightly and we both laugh right after.
After mom and ate xandra fulled my plate, I can't help but to say. "This feels so new." I meant the food they were serving me. The meats, the carbs— I mean they were disallowing me to eat these things.
They all look to each other and chuckled. "The what?" Kuya Luis interrogate as if he has no clue about it.
I rolled my eyes, "This is all the bawals, how come you allowed me to eat it?"
Kuya Alfonso came closer and whispered, "I bet they did something bad, bunso." He received a light slap on the shoulder from mom.
Kuya Alfonso is such a mood. He really can't stop from speaking what's on his mind if its just us.
"Your Kuya Simon said that you did very well on your first day." Mom exposed.
"We just thought it's a good job." Dad spoke up and created a small smile.
"Oh." I longed the 'o'
"Huh? I thought we're celebrating because of the you know—.." Kuya Luis interrupted.
my brows furrowed, "What's the you know thing?" I highlighted.
"Should you tell her mom or should I?" Why do I felt the excitement after Ate Xandra said those?
I look at her and made a face, she went back to me glaring and pointing to Mom. I kicked Kuya Luis slightly under the table so he stopped from eating and looks making a what face.
"Would you stop that?" Mom scolded.
I bow down my head and stuff my mouth with food.
"You guys were acting as if I couldn't understand what you are saying there." She added.
"Okay, just quit it up and spill it please. You are making me curious, and I hate it!" I let out.
"Calm the nervous down bunso, Mom might change her mind." Kuya Alfonso said.
Mom sigh, "Okay, Here it is." I can sense she's stressing over now, But I can't help it.
"I allowed schedules na to your Mama Imee and Tito Bong of borrowing you—..." I shriek in excitement and I didn't even let mom finish. I keep on shaking Kuya Alfonso who can't stop from joining me to enjoy that moment.
"Okay, Let me finish first." Mom said.
I calm myself. "Your Tito Bong permission me that you'll be going to Baguio daw with Vincent and your Mama LAM this sunday?"
"Oh yes mom, but I didn't said yes pa. I told them na they should ask permission pa to you I swear." I said and even manage to raise my palm for a literal swear. 
"Yap, that's what your tito bong said." She answered. "Well, I already said my yes." 
"Really? You did?" I repeat.
"Yes, young lady." she replied.
"Oh my gosh!" I expressed. I stood up hugging and kissing mommy after that. "Thank you mommy! Thank you so much!"
"Okay, eat your food first before you start celebrating there." Dad silently said.
I whispered to mom, "Did he agreed?"
"Well, he has no choice. He only wants to see you happy." Mom answered.
I walked straight to Dad and gave him a tight hug from the back. "Thank you for doing this, Daddy."
"Dad's getting teary bunso." Kuya Alfonso shouts while laughing, I can't help but to check on him and laugh too after seeing his face.
"Those three are really great convincer." He points at Kuya Luis, Allfonso and Ate Xandra. We all cackled.
I hug him again and kisses his cheeks. "I love you daddy."
"I love you. Always." He declared reaching to kiss my foreheads.

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