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"It's all over the newspaper." My dad slowly smash the newspaper to the table.
"Even on the social media's, it's all covered here." Tito Bong as well joined in.
We went to the conference at Tito Bong's house for a talk. Kuya Vincent wasn't here since he need to flew back to Singapore for an important discussion. However, me and two kuya's are also here sitting on the couch. Just then, Tita Imee arrived together with Kuya Matt and Borgy. Mom is already stressed so I stayed on her side and gave a massage on her hands.
"How the hell this happened ba kase?"Mom almost shout.
"I recently saw it spreading a picture of us when we went out for a dinner at bgc. Then a picture of her and kitty." Kuya Matt join in.
"Its a possibility that they grab it from our accounts and immediately predicted something." Kuya Borgy added.
Mom can't stop massaging his head. "What can we do about this greg?" She looks to Dad.
Tita Imee came over to me just for a hug and she goes fixing my hair to make me feel relax. "Are you ready to be out, ija?"
"What? We can't just pressure on that case. It's too dangerous." Mom insisted.

"Irene, It's the only choice we got." Tito Bong agrees.
"Hun? We can do something about this naman right?" She again looks to dad. Dad's been just quiet for the whole conversation.
"I can call ricky, a media director to report all those shared posts and videos—.."
I cut dad as I shook my head, It makes me mad to myself to think that they are all stressing just because of me. I went closer to my mom and dad both holding each of their hands. I kneel down infront of them and let out, "It offends me to think that you guys are having problems because of me."
"No, sweetie.." I didn't let mom finish.
"Mom, Dad." I look up to them.
"Even at school, you know I was already facing judgements and I was able to handle those things. I can probably say that I'm nervous to face people but I think it's the best offer we can have so the possible negative allegations will not be possible anymore. " I lent.
I stood up confidently even though my knees were already shaking, I tried my best not to get obvious. I want to prove something to my mom and dad. I wanna prove something to my cousins and tita's. And I think this is the possible start of it.
"I'm ready to face the publicity, I'm ready to be known as Marcos-Araneta." I sigh.
"Are you sure, Max?" Kuya Matt asks very much worried.
"Anak, there'll be camera's everywhere." Mom added.
"Its ok, mom. I promise I'll handle it. " I assured.
"Max, If you're just worrying about stressing the solution—you know we can do something about it. We just need some ideas to think for a possible—"
"No , Mama Imes. I think this is the best time for me to face reality." I interrupted.
They all just look at me still feeling uncertain to my decision.
Tito Bong raise his hand. "I'm in." I can't help but to smile.
"Me too." Mama LAM joined.
Tita Imee looks to me and smirked. "I trust Max more than  I trust myself."
"Guys..guys. I'm sorry ha? Can I chim in?" Kuya Sandro spoke up.
"We're seriously talking about a great amount of danger that we're gonna put through Max. Are we seriously gonna agree to this?" He clarified.
I sigh once again rolling my eyes in disbelief. My nerves got me when I heard Kuya Sandro's statement. I don't want to be protected anymore, I know I can protect myself starting right now. And I'm so sick of them treating me like a kid.
"Until when you'll stop disagreeing to every decision I'll make ba Kuya?" Everyone was stunned upon answering Kuya Sandro like that, even Kuya Sandro got into progress too.
"Excuse me?" His brows curled. I know by that moment I should be scared of his facial expression but I haven't felt any.
"Have you even come to your senses that I'm already old enough to handle situations like this?" I vent. "When will you even start trusting me on such decision making?" 
He kept quiet but instead he didn't let go from staring, probably thinking for a respond—what a miracle Kuya Sandro didn't know what to respond. "Fine, whatever you say."
"Okay!" Kuya Matt clasps his hands to cut off the intense energy that is filling the room. Kuya Sandro didn't let go from glaring at me and I tried my best to avoid it somehow.
"Tita—tito, what would it be?" Kuya Matt asked
"Well, We're planning of having this charity nextweek. I guess thats the best time to introduce her publicly." Dad shared.
Everyone nods saying they all agree.
"I suggest that Max should just stay here for good so we can refrain her from the camera's in the meantime." Mama LAM spoke
Mom progressed for a moment, "Okay."
"Uh— about the company. I can just have it online mom—dad so I can still continue it." Mom smiled.
"It would be a good thing since Simon's here too." Tito Bong added.
"Will that be fine with you, Si?" Dad asks.
"Oh no, Please don't disturb Kuya Simon. I mean he has his own thing too—.."
"Not a problem to me, Tita—tito. I can call my assistant now to arrange my schedules and make it all online." Kuya Simon interrupted me.
"I guess that's it." Mom felt relieved.
"I think it's a best time for us to fill our stomach right now?" Tito Bong suggested
"I totally agree!" Kuya borgy chimed.
Everyone agree and was soon enough left the room to direct on the kitchen. I was the last one to go out since I was still busy looking for my purse. as soon as I decided to ask Kuya Simon, out of nowhere Kuya Sandro came in and immediately locked the door.
"Yes, Kuya?" I was bothered.
He just look at me, "Kuya?" I force myself to smile.
The ardency filled the room. He was just all silent and suddenly pulled me close to him. I can feel my heartbeat as of this moment. I can also feel that I was already catching my breath cause I wasn't able to breathe properly. 
Eyes to eyes. Nose to nose. Lips to lips. All were just so close. He stared on my eyes and was obviously no intention to let me go. He slid down his left hand on my back and even bothered to pull me closer to him.
"Kuya?" I repeat stunned, especially facing Kuya Sandro this close.
"Sandro." He corrected.
I gulp. "What are you doing?"
He sigh but after that he let out, "I was so scared after I heard what happened.." his voice were shaking.
"Please don't do that again." he breath and keeps on repeating of transferring his eyes on my eyes and on my lips.
I can feel his sincerity and I can feel how worried he is.
I just nod, staring on his eyes too. "I wanna protect you, Max. Please let me do that."
"You are already protecting me." I assured.
He sigh as he pushed me slightly on the door, he reach for the door knob and lock it up still not leaving his eyes on me.A moment of silent took over us as we both just stared into each other.
I can't describe the feeling I'm in right now especially coming into my senses that its Kuya Sandro. I don't want to act or what to say cause any of those things I show or let out might possibly change his mood.
"Max?" he whispered. My vellum hair rises as his voice were so clear on my ears.
i kept quiet and just decided to listen.
He transferred on my ears and whispered, I was surprise on the next words he said. "I want you—..so bad."
I just can't stop staring at him as he went back on looking into my eyes too. I was too stunned to speak and I have no words to come out on my mouth. He slowly leans at me and came closer reaching for my lips, it was so close and was about to attach but a knock on the door interrupted us. Kuya Sandro sigh in irritation as he lets me go.
"Who's in there?" It was mama LAM.
"Its me, mom." Kuya Sandro answered.
"Can you open the door? What are you doing there ba? And who's with you?" Mama LAM stressed out.
He first looks at me before opening the door. He just slighlty opened it so I hid at the back and Kuya Sandro just took a peek.
"I'm alone, and I'm just looking for something." He replied.
"Okay fine, but have you seen Max? She's not there downstairs." Mama LAM asks.
"Umm—nope." He simply responded. Like as if nothing happened.
"Okay. Make it fast there, the food is ready." Mama LAM stated and he just nod, closing the door and went over to the couch to sit down.
"We should go down.." I told him.
He pulled me so I outbalance myself and ended on his lap. And again, he never lets go of the stare. .
"The door wasn't lock." I said quietly. "People might see."
"Then we'll not gonna let them see us." He whispered and catch for a smack on my lips. I was so surprise.
Did Kuya Sandro just kissed me? "My bad." He commented.
I push him when he can't stop smiling. "Kuya!"
His mood changed after that. "Here's the deal.."
I listened.
"If I hear you calling me Kuya, I'll kiss you." My eyes widely open.
"Hey you know that I should call you Kuya since i'm your cousin." I clarify.
"Not yet..." he immediately disagree. "You weren't confirmed to be an Araneta Marcos so.. i can still want you."
I just rolled my eyes and look away.
"Don't you want me?" He asks.
Kuya Sandro is my unreachable standard and I never expected that this will happen.
"I consider that silence means yes." He said,
"Of course , I do—.." i turned away in embarrassment.
I face him back and saw him couldn't stop smiling. "Its so annoying." I rant and look away.
"You like me more than you like Vincent?" I went back to face him again but I was surprise when his face was already close to mine.
I was mesmerised. "Are you drunk, Kuya?"
His brows curled and immediately let go, "Do I sound drunk to you?" He hiss.
"I don't know.." I replied.
He went back from staring more annoyed, "what do you mean you don't know?"
"It's weird— all these years you acted as if i'm your little sister that you always pressure and hate the most then suddenly you're gonna admit that kind of things to me?" I vent.
He smirked and look away. "I'm sorry if that's how I show to people that I like them."
"I'm just you know—different." He grin.
I rolled my eyes, "all guys say that."
He puts his face on my sight once more, "say that again.."
I look into his eyes and didn't stop myself from staring on his lips too.
No one can deny how hot Kuya Sandro is.
In a snap, he close his eyes and attached it.
Softly, delicately.
Our eyes met once again. He smiled and so was I.
"You still didn't answer my question.." he said.
"I do." He chuckled and pinch my cheeks.
Then all of sudden he went back from his serious face. "Can we stay like this?"
"What if they'll know?" I silently said.
"Then don't let them know." He replied, more on murmuring.
I just nod.
"We should go down." He went back from his sitting position.
I was still in progress of what just happened so I let myself sink in first not realizing that I was already stuck staring.
"Hey." He shouldered me.
"Huh?" I immediately replied.
He came closer and whispered, "I'm all yours, Max."

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