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We gathered downstairs to saw everyone already there taking their seats. Arrival of Ate Xandra and Kuya Luis got all of our attention as they both immediately went for an embrace to me.
"I'm sorry.." Kuya Luis worriedly approached.
"I'm fine. Kuya." I assured.
"Oh, come here sweetpea." Ate Xandra pulled me for a tight hug as well.
"It's so late na, you should've not bothered to come pa." I relay. "You left my nieces pa again."
"Oh shh, don't mind that." Ate Xandra replied.
"Actually we have something to say to you guys." We all pay attention to what Kuya Luis's about to say.
"Xandra and I decided to just live here in the Philippines.." He spilled, everyone applaud and gave them a welcome greet. "We wanted to stay here so that it won't be that hard to reach out to Max anymore."
I was left stunned on his statement processing all. These days I just realized I felt like an trouble loading who always take time to accept data.. I didn't recognize that they noticed it already.
"Max." Ate Xandra called. "Don't you want it?"
I blink repeatedly and functioned my mouth, "Of course I do , Ate,"
"It's just that— do you really have to make that kind of big adjustment just I do not have the enough courage such questions like that anymore. I mean I felt too shy how this family struggle to always protect me.
Ate Xandra pulled my hands and held it. "You are our baby sister—we won't gonna forgive ourselves if something happened to you and weren't here with you."
"We just want to make sure what happened earlier won't happened again." Kuya Luis stated.
I just sigh.
"Oh siya, we shall eat na." Tita Imee called and so everyone gathered.
I didn't expect thaat I was able sit down right infront of Kuya Sandro whom can't stop gazing at me but intelligently hides it so that no one will notice.
Mommy puts already some foods on plate but I couldn't just focus onto it due to Kuya Sandro's action. I can't help but to stare on how he bits the fork delivering into his lips while as well imagining how it touches to mine earlier. What can I do? That was my first.
"How bout you Max?" I startled, getting back from my senses.
"Hu-h?" I stutter.
"Honey, you haven't touch your food. Are you sure you don't want to check on a doctor?" Mom concerned.
"We can set her up for an appointment tomorrow at Lucas Clinic. I'll just make a call about it." Dad inserted.
"Oh-no dad. Everything's fine. I swear." I assured.
"Maybe I just really need rest for now. Can I just go upstairs already?" I permission.
They all look each other. "O course honey, whatever that make you comfortable." Mom answered.
"Thanks." I gave mom a kiss on the cheeks same with dad and I goes around to give Tita Imee, Mama LAM and Tito Bong too. "Goodnight evcryone."
I went upstairs but before I directed to my room, I had a stop on the bathroom near the entrance of second floor. I know I have my own solo comfort room in my house but I just couldn't endure what I was feeling at the moment and I know I have to do something. I checked myself in the room and mess my hair. The butterflies I was feeling right now is so uncontrollable. I sigh deeply and goes touching my lips and thought what just happened earlier.
"Shit. I kissed Kuya Sandro." I let out.
Until everything just progress, my eyes grew in realization that I ACTUALLY REALLY KISSED KUYA SANDRO. Who could've thought that? I washed my face on the sink nd tried my best to erase it on my mind.
Just then, I sneak on the corridor to learn that it was still quiet and empty upon as well hearing the chatters downstairs.
"They might probably downstairs pa." I said to myself.
I quietly went out and walked on the hall finding my room in a rush but then suddenly someone pulled me and bought me inside a room. I was about to scream because of the darkness I'm in but then I stopped myself from doing so when I saw Kuya Sandro's face infront of me. He reach for the doorknob and locked it.
"Oh my god Kuya, you almost killed me with an heart attack." I complaint.
he chuckled. "You're so cute, Max."
"And what's our deal again?" He remind.
"What—deal?" I couldn't even manage to finish the question because on how he stared to me eye to eye.
Just for an instant, he just rushed to attach his lips to mine again. More longer, more passionately, More hotness that showers on me. We didn't stop cause I don't want it to stop and I didn't allow him to stop too. I was the one who inserted my tongue on his lips first as it touches his. He paused for a second and stared at me.
"What?" I whispered. "Did I do it wrong?"
He just smiled and shook his head returning his lips once again. He followed my gaze and I allow him to do whatever he wants. He directed to biting my lips and slowly went down on my chest. I sigh and felt every touch Sandro was giving. He squeeze on my breast and slowly unclasped my bra. He went in to my shirt and felt how he bit every inch of my skin inside. I moan to express, i felt his lips curved upon hearing it as he continues to do his business.
I closed my eyes and bit my lips. "Sandro.." I let out.
He went back to my lips and goes on deeply biting it off. I really can feel him at this point. It makes me think that he's mine. All mine.
He stopped and stared at me. "Sleep in my room tonight." He breath.
"You know I can't.." I replied.
"No one has to know, we won't gonna let them." He made sure.
"What if they'll come in to my room..." he shush me. "I'll take care of it."
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
I paused and smiled. "Yes, Yes I do."
He smack on my lips and smiled.
"I'll be back, okay?" He said.
I pulled him, 'where are you going?"
"Making this safe." He respond.
I think the 'safe' he meant is that he has to do something to make sure no one has to know about all of this.
"Just don't open the door until you receive my call, okay?" He instructed.
I just nod.
Before he went to open the door he reach out for me first and mumble, "I love you, Max." I didn't expect that coming from his mouth. He then suddenly disappeared.
I tour myself in his room. I saw some picture staple on his wall. I each by each identify it but then that one picture hidden at the back of a picture got my attention. I removed the paper covering it and saw my picture from behind. It was the same picture I sent to him when I was still in iloilo. It just makes me so glad to think he keeps it. I turned the picture at the back and saw a letter saying 'I hope you know how much I love you.' My heart skips a bit after reading it.
I don't wanna predict things, I don't want to think about it. I placed back the picture when my phone started to rung. I checked to see Kuya Sandro's name. I immediately went to the door and opened it.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I just nod.
He was holding something and its like a shirt or something. He raise it up when he recognize that I was looking at it. "I bought you something to change."
"The comfort room is on that area." He points. "You can take a bath now."
I sigh and nod walking on the way to the comfort room.
I rest my head on the door while standing and breath heavily all along. As I noticed the sink, I placed both of my arms there for a standby and goes looking at the mirror. I remembered the note and my picture then the kiss and everything. I sigh heavily once again and just goes straight to the shower.
I unlocked the door and slowly opened it. Sandro was already sitting on the bed playing with his phone. He focused a look on me and didn't bother to leave his eyes on me looking from up to down. He tap the space on his side and said. "Lie here."
I came closer to him and followed what he instructed. I sat beside him, I can feel the pressure within me and aswell as the intensity inside the room. He slowly moved his hands and held to mine, gripping. I can feel how he tries to control hisself and I don't know why he had to do that. Suddenly he transferred to sit down in front of me.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked.
I didn't stop myself from things I wanna do and that is to kiss him hardly again. Sandro body's move following mine. I slowly pushed him as he ends up laying on the bed and I rode onto him. I reach out to continue what I was doing as he was also busy crawling his hands to go around my body.
He pulled my face and that made me stop. "My badass girl." He sneer.
I went back to kiss him again and he makes me stop again. "I love you, Max."

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