Requested Granted

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Lord Richard William Carey carries out Lord Andrew Charles Howard's request to Karissa and she receives him graciously and she reads the request for a visit to her from Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lord Richard William Carey tells Karissa "You don't have to receive my second cousin if you don't want to."

"Is there something wrong with your second cousin, may I ask?" Karissa asks Lord Richard William Carey.

"Does he need a good psychiatrist, may I ask?" Karissa asks Lord Richard William Carey.

"I am not sure what you mean Mademoiselle Karissa?" Lord Richard William asks.

"Don't get me wrong Lord Richard William Carey. I think that Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Lord David William Beck and you are three of the most handsome men on Star Base 12, but you all have the same problem: you are aristocrats." Karissa explains.

"What is wrong with us being aristocrats?" Lord Richard William asks.

"Let me tell you this way. I think all of you are stuffy, runny nose spoiled brats with a gold spoon up your asses." Karissa tells him.

"You all strut around like a damn peacock with your colorful plumage and think you will catch a woman. " Karissa states.

"You are who you are and I am who I am. I respect who you are but I am not an aristocrat." Karissa tells him.

"There must be plenty of eligible young aristocratic women on Star Base 12 who would love to marry into such a prestigious family such as the Howard-Carey-Beck families." Karissa tells him.

"I am afraid none of us have a taste of any of them." Lord Richard William explains "Their father's seek to become a part of our family through their daughters."

"I am not interested in your title, property, or even your wealth." Karissa explains, "What I am interested in is your love, sincerity and if you are open-minded."

Lord Richard William doesn't know how to answer her question and she tells him "Tell your pain up preppy cousin I will see him."

"I will relay your message to Lord Andrew Charles Howard, but beware I won't anger him." Lord Richard William warns Karissa.

"I am not afraid of Lord Andrew Charles Howard or any man and if he touches me I guarantee he will be wearing his family jewels as earrings." Karissa explains.

"I promise Lord Andrew Charles. He will never have any children when I make him wear his family jewels."Karissa explains.

Lord Richard William Carey bows and he walks away from Karissa and she watches him walk away but she sees sadness in his heart and feels his pain.


Two days on Sunday, Lord Andrew Charles Howard travels out to Madame's Boarding House to pay Karissa a visit that she has granted him.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard arrives at Madame's Boarding House in the Howard carriage and when he arrives he straightens up his clothes and puts on his hat.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard walks up the door and he knocks on the door and Madame opens up the door and she greets him " Bon Jour Monsieur Howard."

"Good Morning, Madame Valois. I am here to see Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"Mademoiselle Karissa is in the living room." Madame tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard walks into the drawing room where Karissa is waiting and she looks at him and asks " I see you have arrived on time."

The Duchess of Two Dukedoms on Star Base 12Where stories live. Discover now