Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, Future Duchess of Bedford Territory

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Eighteen months after Lord Anthony Christopher Howard's first birthday, Lady Karissa discovers that she is pregnant with Lord Richard William Carey and her first child together and they are happy to find out that they are having their first child together.

Lord Richard William Carey and Lady Karissa walk into Lord Andrew Charles study and Lord Andrew Charles looks up and Lord Andrew Charles looks up and asks, "What can I do for you two as I am very busy?"

"We have come to tell you that Lady Karissa and I are expecting our first child together." Lord Richard William tells his second Cousin Lord Andrew Charles.

"Should I be surprised, Lord Richard William. Lady Karissa has always exactly what she has wanted to do ever since she is the mother of Lady Elizabeth, my father's heiress. " Lord Andrew Charles tells his second cousin.

"Well, Lady Karissa is free to do whatever she so pleases." Lord Andrew Charles states, "She is the mother of Lady Elizabeth, The Duchess of Clarence Territory and The Duke of Lancaster Territory and she is Marchioness of Pembroke Territory."  Lord Andrew Charles tells Lord Richard William.

"Our child is due in June." Lord Richard William states, "Before Lord Anthony turns 2 years old." 

"Lady Karissa is going to name our daughter, Lady Caroline Matilda and if it is a son, Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey." Lord Richard William tells Lord Andrew Charles.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at his second cousin and he tells him " I am happy that you will have your heir or heiress." 

"There was no way I was going to let The Howard's claim what my great-great-great-grandfather start in 2165." Lord Richard William states.

"I realize that we share a common ancestor with you through Lord John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk in England when Sir John Carey and his son, Sir Robert Carey, and his son, Sir Philp Carey and his son, Sir William Carey and his son, Sir Thomas Carey and his son, Sir William Carey who married Lady Mary Boleyn, who was the great-great-granddaughter of Lord John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk through his granddaughter, Lady Elizabeth Howard." Lord Richard William explains.

"I do believe that Lord Henry Carey daughter, Lady Catherine Carey married Sir Charles Howard, as well, and they had Lord Richard Howard." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lord Richard William.

"My children will inherit Bedford Territory and carry on what my great-great-great-grandfather started." Lord Richard William tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I know I am related to you through Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and your grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior and Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain and Lord Anthony are my third cousins." Lord Richard William states, " We share the same great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Frederick William Howard." 

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