chapter 18, hotel

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getting back to the hotel room was a blessing. i closed the door and let out a breath. i rubbed my temples as i walked over towards my bed. i plopped down and sighed.

the boys still weren't back. i decided to call Chris again, and if he didn't answer i would call Matt, and then Nick.

first call, nothing.

i called Matt, nothing.

i called Nick, nothing.

my heart started to beat faster. did something bad happen? i bit the inside of cheek and got up and started pacing. i called Matt again. still nothing. i called Nick, nothing.

i called Chris and after 5 rings he answered.

"Chris!" i said relieved. "where are you guys?"

"we're at the mall."

"you've been at the mall since 4:30. it's 7:45." i said.

"we went to see a movie too." he explained.

okay, odd.

they would've woken me up and asked if i wanted to go.

"why didn't you tell me? or left me a note. i was getting worried."

"Caroline, it's not that big of a deal." he said, annoyed.

i was caught off guard. i clenched my jaw. "where is Matt and Nick?" i asked.

i could hear Chris's scoff as he handed the phone to Nick.

"hey gurl!" Nick said. "how was the dinner?" he asked.

"it was definitely different, that's for sure." i said with a small smile. "when will you guys be back?"

"in about 10 minutes."

"okay." i said. "see you in a few, love you."

"love you too bestie."

i hung up the phone and sat down on the edge of the bed. had i done something to Chris to make him upset at me?

i mean i don't think i did. Nick sounded fine, like normal Nick. i sighed and got up to change. i changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. i was watching tv when the boys came bustling in.

"no Matt! that one is mine!"

"oh my god Nick, shut up!" Matt yelled back.

i chuckled as they all walked in and placed all their bags down.

"ooo! Caroline! look what i got you!" Nick said delightfully. i furrowed my eyebrows as Nick threw me a pair of low rise jeans that had cool patterns.

"they're cute aren't they?" Nick said giddily. "i got myself a pair too so we can match." he said with a big smile as he pulled out his pair of jeans.

i smiled and laughed a little.

"forget that, what happened at the dinner?"

i widened my eyes. "oh, there's a lot."


"holy, fucking, shit." Matt said.

"i love you, oh my god." Nick said.

i scoffed and smiled. "i know, right?"

Chris sighed. "i mean was throwing the water on her really necessary?"

i furrowed my eyebrows, Nick almost seemed shocked as he turned around and looked at Chris. Matt furrowed his eyebrows and turned around.


"i mean, she didn't do anything to you. and why would you do all of that to your dad?"

he was joking, right?

"Chris what the fuck-"

"i mean he's still your dad."

"you're fucking joking, right?" i snapped.

"no, i'm not."

"Chris you can't say shit about my family situation." i said standing up. "you've never thad to go through any of what i did. because if you did then you would know why the fuck i did what i did."

"Caroline i'm just saying. you don't need to get all defensive."

"Chris!" Matt shouted. "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

i squeezed my mouth shut and clenched my jaw so hard i thought my teeth would break. i walked over and grabbed my keys. i slipped on my shoes and grabbed my phone and my hotel key. "fuck you." i said as i walked out of the room and down the hall.

i could hear the door open and i jogged down to the elevator just as someone was getting out. i hopped inside and pressed the lobby floor. the doors closed just when Matt and Nick came. the doors closed and once they opened i stepped out and quickly walked outside.

i went to my car and quickly got inside. i started it and i could see Nick and Matt running outside.

i just needed alone time.

i drove off down the road leaving the parking lot and turning off my phone.


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i mean i couldn't really believe it. me and Caroline got into an argument. one that made her leave. i was so mad at myself it wasn't even okay.

i don't know what i would do that. why on hell would i say?

she was right. i have no idea what the hell she's going through. she acting on emotion because she doesn't know what to do or how to feel.

god damn it.

i fucked up now.

Matt and Nick walked back inside. Nick was clearly pissed, Matt just seemed upset.

"Chris what the fuck!" Nick shouted at me.

"Nick, calm down." Matt said calmly.

"no! Chris what the fuck were you doing?!" Nick shouted again.

i gulped and clenched my jaw. in reality i had no fucking clue what i was thinking.

i was mad that we were here, and i was mad that Caroline was acting on emotion and was being impulsive by coming here.

i was about to answer when there was a knock on the hotel door. Matt sighed and opened up the door. a man stood on the other side he was clearly shaken up and upset. his nose seemed almost broken and he had wet hair like he had just taken a shower.

"can i help you?"

"hi, uhm, is Caroline here?"

"who are you?"

"i'm Caleb, her father."


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