not an update but you should read pt.2

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well guys i got back from the mental hospital because every hot girl has mental issues. i was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder without psychosis and GAD which stands for Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

it just means i can severe depressive episodes but then in a week or a month or even a day i'll be happy again and then the cycle repeats. and GAD is where i worry about everything.

panic attacks had become a daily occurrence in my life sadly and i thought it was normal. but it wasn't. my anxiety was always high and i was constantly worried about everything. i mean one time i had a panic attack because i couldn't find a pencil for class.

i feel much better but while i was gone my boyfriend broke up with me...over text. and he had no explanation whatsoever. and he spelled break and throughout wrong. he spelled it "brake" and "thruout."

and then he proceeded to block and unadd me on everything because he was too scared on what i would say.

dear women, and men, notice the red flags before it's too late. because it made everything worse and i ended up breaking my 3 day streak of no panic attacks.

thank you all for the love and i miss you all❤️

i love you❤️❤️


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