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Word Count: 2053


Rebellion meetings like this are risky.

With Kit staying at the estate, he notices absences far more. So we have been sneaking out together in the middle of the night. It's exciting, doing this behind Kit's back with Isaiah. I'm beyond happy that I know longer have to keep this from him.

Elise and I haven't spoken since she demoted me. The only reason I want to stay is because of Isaiah, otherwise I think I would have left by now. She went behind my back. I don't think I'll ever trust her again.

But I've decided I like Kae. She is decisive and honest.

Malin may be the former, but she most definitely is not the latter.

"It's our time to move soon. Kit may not be around for long, so we need a solid plan," Kae tells the group, steam from her coffee wafting up around her face. Everyone is overwhelmed by Kit's visit, knowing now is the time to make our move.

"I want to kill him. I'm going to kill him," Isaiah says. Everyone is still, knowing what it must take for a son to want to kill his father. My mate will do anything to protect his Pack, and to reunite with his mother, who Kit has been keeping him from.

"It needs to be public," I remind him.

His gaze burning hot with quiet fury. "It will be. I'll do it at my wedding."

"To Elise?" Malin asks.

"Yes. He will stay until her and I are married," Isaiah assures us. They wanted the wedding to be a few weeks from now, but if we want to spend less time in his proximity, I imagine they will want to put it forward. I mean, it's not as if the wedding will be binding in any way.

"Can you do it?" Malin asks sourly, narrowing her eyes on Isaiah. "We can't have you backing out half way through."

She is having a hard time trusting him. I don't blame her, I would too in her position. She has been led to believe Isaiah is the true monster, even after all the convincing out of that mentality that I've been trying to do. Now he is sitting here, learning all our information like he is one of us.

"Of course I will do it."

"You must understand, Malin, that Isaiah has a deep hatred for his father. He wants nothing more than to kill him, so he can be reunited with his mother," Kae explains softly. Malin's expression doesn't shift, still looking tense and untrusting.

"I think it's not completely unreasonable to assume he isn't going to go through with it. How can we trust him?" Kadrick questions from across the table, glaring down at Isaiah.

He found out we were mates tonight, and he hasn't been very receptive to anything comforting I had to say to him. I don't hold it against him though. He is still hurt, and he has every reason to hate both him and I.

"How can I trust you?" Isaiah questions, folding his arms over his chest.

"I'm the only one who should be worried about trust," Kadrick growls, his glance toward me painfully obvious in what it is insinuating.

If I could reach, I would kick him under the table. "What is this about, Kadrick?"

"I think you know," he mutters bitterly.

I understand why he is upset and me and Isaiah, but I wish he wouldn't bring it into the Rebellion. We are so close to success, and the last thing we need is for my past relationship with him to come up and ruin it. Especially with Isaiah here, who has made it clear he isn't going to have any patience for Kadrick.

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