Fresh x Pokemon <3

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Hello! This oneshot was requested by Mare-the-cat

Fresh had been at his place when suddenly a portal had opened and it would suck him into it. Fresh had tried to grip onto anything but that was useless as well, the portal was too strong and once it had sucked him in it would vanish. The Portal would open up in a new world and fresh was spat out, landing into the tall grass. A odd creature was beside him, it was yellow and had red little cheeks and a zig zag sorta tail.
A skeleton dressed in a blue jacket, what looked like sweat pants, and a beanie stood in front of fresh.
"Hey there are you alright buddy?" The skeleton would pull a dazed fresh back up onto his feet. "You really went flying! I saw ya come outta a big hole in the sky!" Fresh would regain their balance but still slightly leaned on the skeleton for support. The yellow creature would make it's way onto the other's shoulder.
"Right! This is Pikachu and I'm poke! Nice ta meet ya!" Fresh would smile, it has been such a long time since another person had been friendly with him. Poke would now ask for fresh's name. "Huh? Oh I'm fresh nice ta meet ya broski!"

A major timeskip brought to you by the author running out of ideas and motivation to describe in detail the 9 month long friendship between the two.
Fresh had been on a picnic with Poke at the moment, he had actually began to start having feelings for him. Poke had vanished from the little picnic blanket for a few moments and wasn't anywhere in sight and fresh grew a bit concerned for a moment but poke now reappeared. "What were ya doing broseph?" Poke only smiled before taking one of fresh's hands. "Fresh can I tell you something?" Fresh would nod his head, a slight blush appearing on his face.
Poke would hand fresh a PokeBall and would smile softly. Fresh just looked at the PokeBall in confusion before poke chuckled slightly. "I choose you fresh, to be my boyfriend! If you accept!" Poke's face was filled with blue blush and fresh's face was covered almost completely in blush as he nodded his head. Fresh would pull Poke into a hug and would kiss them on the forehead. "I choose you too!"

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