Radical knives

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Dlepo bleen Dxllf4c3! Alsos, sorry for taking so long lately I've been going through it my guys, what with the deletion of my first rp book, the pms being removed, and in general..busy

This is fresh x killer fluff, this will include the sillies- I also love writing fresh speaking because it's just so weird and sometimes you can get Shakespearean level of creativity with his lingo

Killer had always been a mischievous little guy, or well, little compared to fresh. He was always bouncing around, playing pranks, going from one thing to the next, some of the pranks could, in theory, be cruel- but for the most part it was in good spirits. However.. someone was a bit peeved, considering how killer came running, giggling as he hid himself behind fresh's body. Fresh was nice and tall, perfect for hiding behind, he was always such a trouble maker. Someone had been yelling at killer, probably a poor tormented citizen. He bent down to get them at eye level. "Yo brah, what digs? What's got ya twisted?" The victim had proceeded to rant on about how killer had technically attacked them- in reality the poor guy had been assaulted with water balloons full of ice and blood, honestly it was kinda nasty but you can't hate him for points on creativity front.
"Ah, the lil guy did alla-that? Aw c'mon, he's just all up n messing around dawg, no reason to be livid ya dig?" He patted killer's head, he did wanna know where killer got the blood from- considering it seemed...a little too fresh. After some apology bribes- which was mostly just fresh giving the guy a handful of bowling and roller skating coupons- fresh had glanced back down at killer.
Killer, whomst was acting all innocent like he had never committed any acts of violence whatsoever, that killer. "Also- why do you keep calling me little! I'm bigger than nightmare- and he's like... four feet-! like I'm way bigger so there's no way I'm small! I've seen humans smaller than me and they got skin as like an added height boost or something!" Killer was more of an average height- but fresh was abnormally tall- even if they're all derived from sans- some of these guys needed to have something to weigh them down and stop them from growing this tall.
"Well, ya are little, what do you want me to tell ya broski? That you're a giant?" He crouched down to get face level with killer, just doing it on purpose. He did love killer, and so it was fun to occasionally mess with him just for the fun of it, besides killer is little- he's not lying, he's just telling the truth from his point of view, his point of view being that everyone is little.
"Fresh!" Killer protested, lightly pushing his face away, despite the fact that kisses were being pressed against his face. Killer loved fresh, even if he teased him sometimes. He knew it was all in good fun and killer probably had thickest [skin] bones in existence, no kidding the guy could take breaking an arm and still go around walking like that. He and geno? They were both pretty tough- and fresh? The guy's a parasite of course he is durable.
Fresh hummed, his arms wrapping around killer's waist. "What's got ya so uppity dawg?" He hoisted killer up, setting killer over his shoulder, carrying him with him. He decided they'd go home, before the stars are called on killer- fresh didn't do none of that gang behavior that killer and the stars did, he just doesn't find no purpose. Just because he's with killer didn't mean he's the bad guys, same as being friends with ink, he isn't the stars either. He's just a neutral with attachments to certain people from opposing sides and ink and killer knew that. Or at least sometimes, whatever ink is taking to get that level of memory loss must be quite addictive or something cause who'd purposely lose memories. [Ink does not do anything, clarification]
Once home, killer was set down on the couch, fresh putting on killer's favorite pirated movie. Killer liked the movie because it was so fast paced, it never lingered on the beginning or anything for too long. Movies with stupidly long beginnings always sucked. He couldn't focus when a movie started like that- it was just so dry and awful. This movie, however was awesome, it was all about parasites and murder and there was so much action and gore and it never lingered, it was probably the best movie to ever exist, even if killer was no movie critic a good movie always is something horror-themed.
  Fresh didn't mind horror movies, they were cool in their own ways, especially the behind the scenes stuff and how the props and makeup for it was done. The unneeded sexy parts and drugs? Not so much. He held Killer's hand as they watched, it was always sorta weird seeing people make movies about parasites, especially sentient ones like he was. They act as if he's smarter than them, and fresh is- but not in the ancient astral being kind of way. He was not astral or ancient. But he could admit, space seemed pretty cool, maybe even comforting. No wonder why error liked outertale, it's nice and calming.
   Killer, on the otherhand, couldn't deal with calming, he's always gotta be doing something. Jumping from thing to thing- horror movies though are considered calming to him, in a weird way. He just worked that way, that's how he functions. He leaned in, kissing fresh on the cheek, earning himself a forehead kiss in return. He could do this forever, being with fresh was calming but it was also so exciting. Fresh was always a surprise. Sure, the guy's a parasite but is it really that bad? Fresh is the most loving, eccentric, and undoubtedly loyal parasite he's ever known..it helps that he's the only one, but still, he loved fresh, and fresh loved him so much, even if the guy struggled with facial expressions to show it.

The end! sorry for such a long wait, I know you've probably been waiting for this to come up! ^^

Up next: kross, villainousbeats, bad sans poly

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