Freshmare <3

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Salutations how is everyone doing on this fine time? Today's chapter is requested by the astounding... ukuban !
Now, without further a do, we shall get on with the chapter!

Fresh sat on a bean bag in nightmare's room. His room had also doubled as his office for which he had done work in.  Nightmare and fresh had been together for quite a long while, they had first met due to a awkward situation in which fresh's parasite had simply had the urge to hold onto one of nightmare's tentacles. Fresh had been playing animal crossing on his Nintendo.
He'd look up from the game to see nightmare, nightmare had seemed quite stressed. Not to mention nightmare had quite a lot of work to do and sitting there and doing nothing won't help anything. Fresh thought for a few moments before an idea hit him like a train. (I like trains- I'm sorry- I'll hush now ^^ ) It was the most wonderful idea he ever had. It was the worst idea he ever had.
Fresh proceeded to get up from the beanbag and attempt to pick nightmare up. "Fresh put me down!" While nightmare struggled to try and get down fresh made his way back to the beanbag with nightmare in his arms. Fresh sat nightmare down on the beanbag next to him. "Chillax broski you've been all up n stressed lately, you should take a break!" Nightmare frowned. "I don't have time for a break fresh, I have to get this finished quickly."
Fresh would hug nightmare, now refusing to let go. "Nah you gon chillax with me, k?" Nightmare would sigh, having given up. "Alright alright fine, I'll take a break." Nightmare had been quite tired, so he would move in closer to fresh. He laid his head on fresh's chest and slowly he fell asleep. Fresh would smile slightly, planting a kiss on nightmare's forehead. Fresh had even began to fall asleep himself.
A knock on the door could be heard, causing fresh to look up at the door he didn't wanna get up and wake nightmare so he just stared at the door. Killer now entered the room. "BOSSSS- oh-" nightmare had now woken up due to killer's loud mouth. He only glared at killer, too tired to shout at them. He was also too comfy at the moment. Killer would slowly leave the room, closing the door.
Nightmare only sighed, rolling his eyes. Fresh would grin, nuzzling nightmare. "I'm going back to sleep-" nightmare had said burying their face in fresh's chest and slowly falling back asleep. Fresh would smile, holding nightmare closer and soon falling asleep as well.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ^^

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