Just Wanted

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Just as the doctor had predicted, Atsumu had lost weight.

His large baby bump had shrunk, not significantly, but noticeably.

He had told his mother and brother the next day. They came over and comforted him and spent the day with him. His mother had been extremely emotional, but being in the presence of another Omega helped stabilize his state. He was distraught. Osamu nearly lashed out at Sakusa the moment he entered because of how dense their pheromones were. A mix of distress and anxiety and warmth and calm.

He knew the two had fought and only just made up.

Well, Atsumu wasn't sure if they had made up.

Sakusa had slept next to him the night they returned from the clinic. He held him while he wept and grieved. He had taken it much harder than Sakusa, but Atsumu didn't miss the dark look on his face when he glanced up at the pitch black eyes.

If he cried, Atsumu didn't know.

He was too busy sobbing himself.

But there were some upsides.

One was still alive.

He hadn't lost both.

So he wouldn't let his sorrow impact the remaining child. He stayed healthy, went for his check-ups, and marked each day.

He had never been more meticulous.

Sakusa's distant behavior stalled after he lost the baby, but his silent demeanor had not. He was quiet but present, keeping a watchful eye on Atsumu as he progressed and the weeks went by.

He hurried to bring the foods Atsumu craved at odd hours of the night, and didn't grow impatient at his sensitivity to simple words.

He was a caretaker.

Not a mate.

Atsumu was thirty-six weeks in.


It was quiet when he woke, still dark outside, still night. Atsumu had been roused when the baby started his usual bout of kicking, pressing against his bladder and making him sigh. He looked over and found Sakusa, sleeping peacefully and not having moved since the two first entered bed. He was a still sleeping. His lips slightly parted and his expression relaxed. His dark curls splayed out on the pillow, revealing the colon-like moles on his forehead.

Atsumu always wondered how they were so perfectly aligned.

How Sakusa was so perfectly...


His fingers brushed against the dots, a feather-light touch that still managed to make him stir.

Sakusa blinked slowly into a state of consciousness, lifting his eyes to Atsumu's in an almost questioning tone.

"Sorry," he murmured, pulling his hand back quickly to support himself instead.

"Did you just wake up?" Sakusa wondered softly, his voice raspy and deep.

And sexy.


"Yeah," he answered, resting his cheek on his shoulder as he peeked down at Sakusa.  "He was kickin'" he explaining quietly. Sakusa grunted softly as he propped himself up on his elbow and glanced at Atsumu's belly.

"Can I feel?" He met Atsumu's eyes as he asked.


Sakusa lifted the arm that wasn't keeping him up to Atsumu's stomach, gliding over the thin maternity shirt.

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 [𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦]Where stories live. Discover now