First Time?

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Osamu had been joking when he told Atsumu one day he'd get picked up by a gorgeous Alpha and Sakusa would see what he had missed.

And then Meian Shugo pulled him aside after practice.

"Miya!" He called out, drawing Atsumu's attention. The fake blond glanced up at his captain and grinned. "Meian-San! What's up?"

"Come here." He made a 'come hither' gesture. A knot started to curl in his stomach as he walked over. His cheery demeanor turned a bit anxious. He rubbed the scent-blocking patch on his neck as he stood in front of his captain, looking up at him.

"Wanted to ask you something in private," he started. Atsumu swallowed thickly. "Just letting you know now. Could you meet me outside the locker room later?"

"Sure," Atsumu answered with a smile.

"It's nothing bad," he promised, easing the knot in his stomach.

Atsumu returned to the rest of the team and helped clean up, ignoring Sakusa's curious stares. He made it to the showers, being the only Omega on the team he had to share with the Betas. He didn't mind but he didn't like the nosy looks he received. Like they had expected him to look so much different from them.

He stepped into the shower with a sigh, running his hair under the water and tasting salt on his chapped lips.

His chest had shrunk after about a year, so he needed a pump to keep producing milk for Akihiko.

He sighed, tilting his head back and letting the hot stream roll down his neck. The sweat made his skin cool, so it was nice to have some heat after four hours of training. His hand brushed over the scar on his abdomen fully healed and no longer sensitive. Atsumu didn't hate the scar as much as he expected. He was conscious of it. Of his teammates, studying the mark and trying to decide what could have caused such a scar.

It was where his pup came out. It was the reason Akihiko was alive. Even if his sister was not.

Atsumu would never be able to thank Aki enough. For being strong. For surviving.

Before long the showers were empty, and Atsumu was left alone.

When he stepped out, toweling his hair and grabbing his phone, he saw a brief text from Sakusa letting him know he went home to release the sitter. Atsumu didn't reply, setting it down and changing into a pair of sweats and a hoodie.

He tugged on some woolen socks and slipped into a pair of slides, walking out. He nearly jumped when he saw Meian standing by the door, dressed in a t-shirt and grey sweats, hair damps with droplets collecting on the strands. His hands were in his pockets and he leaned against the wall

"You should dry your hair," he said. Atsumu laughed nervously.

"Yer one ta talk." Atsumu hiked his bag higher on his shoulder. "So... ya wanted to see me."

"Yeah." Meian grinned. "Although, now that you're here I'm actually kinda nervous," he admitted.


Why would Meian be nervous?

The captain of the team.

An Alpha.

A very tall, strong, handsome Alpha—

"What do ya gotta be nervous for? Ya gonna bench me?" Atsumu teased. "I thought it wasn't bad news."

Meian shook his head with a smile.

"I don't really know... how to do this. But," Meian pushed off the wall and faced Atsumu, seeming to tower over the Omega despite his height and size.

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