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Meian knew he would be drawn to Atsumu when they first met.

He was loud, but not as loud as Bokuto. He was bubbly but down-to-earth. He was an incredible player, teammate, and setter. He was kind despite his foul mouth. And he was strong.

So, so strong.

When Meian had first seen the scar on his lower abdomen he couldn't place where it was from. It could have been a childhood mishap but it was too neat to be accidental. Later, Atsumu had told him he had given birth, and they required a C-section. He was even more in awe. Atsumu not only had a baby, but he healed and went right back to training. He had made the decision to keep the baby, missed a good portion of his high school career, and still managed to get scouted and go pro.

Atsumu was amazing.

And in love.

Meian also knew that when he started courting him. He had tried. Truly. Atsumu seemed happy with him. But he caught the lingering stared and longing looks at a certain dark-haired man.

Atsumu was twenty and in love. Of course, it would've been impossible for him to change that.

Meian always felt calmer when both were around, which was unusual since his Alpha would normally scowl at another Alpha in the presence of Atsumu—

But their scents mingled and soothed him.

After that, he started to see.

It wasn't just Atsumu.

Sakusa liked him too.

Meian wanted to ignore it all but he couldn't. He couldn't do that to them.

Not when they seemed to be perfect for each other.


Meian frowned when the last drop of wine dissolved on his tongue, no more seeming to escape despite his desperate shaking. He sighed, setting the bottle down and rubbing his eyes. His cheeks were flushed from the alcohol and his eyes were red from the stifled tears.


Crying over a kid.

How silly.

Meian huffed, standing up and wobbling a bit from the wooziness. He trudge to his room and flopped onto the bed. He could still smell Atsumu on his sheets. He reminded him of mango and tasted like vanilla. When he was relaxed he smelled like coconuts and when he was excited he smelled like pineapples. When he was distressed he smelled like smoke and when he was in pleasure he smelled like Lavander.

He was comforting and sweet and...


Meian buried his face into his pillow and inhaled the lingering scent. He really missed Atsumu.

Why didn't he just keep things up? He could've been content courting Atsumu. Knowing he'd never truly fall in love with him. But so what? He was better than...

Better than who?


He helped raise Akihiko.

He was a wonderful person. Atsumu deserved a wonderful person. Meian knew he was wonderful too.

But just not enough for Atsumu.

His wet cheeks dampened the pillowcase and muted the cinnamon scent.

That's right.

Atsumu smelled like cinnamon when he was looking at Sakusa.


Sakusa makes him smell like cinnamon.

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 [𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦]Where stories live. Discover now