Meian Helps

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It was early December when Atsumu went into heat again for the first time since his pregnancy.

His doctors had told him he probably would experience his heat for a while, would instead find himself going through pre-heats alone.

So when he felt a cramp in his stomach he ignored it, assuming it was just another false start like the others had been the last several months.

How wrong he was.

Atsumu first felt an itch in his pants. He was a bit feverish and sweating much more than usual. Then he became sensitive to pheromones, and the patch over his scent gland started to burn in a very unpleasant manner. But when slick started dripping out of his hole he knew.


Atsumu hurried off the court and ran for the locker room. He tugged off his shorts, praying he hadn't soiled them yet. Luckily, he hadn't. His underwear was a different story. Atsumu rifled through his locker and searched for his emergency suppressants, which he really only used when painkillers weren't enough to make his cramps lessen. But as he popped open the cap, the door slammed open.

Atsumu jumped, his neck prickling as he turned.

Did an Alpha smell him?


Was it Bokuto?

Was he too late?


"Meian-san," Atsumu mumbled, stiff as he saw his captain at the door.

"You're in heat."

Atsumu flushed.

"Shit," he muttered, wiping his damp forehead as he gripped the pill bottle. "Sorry, it's distractin' isn' it?" he apologized. Meian rubbed his nose.

"You should go home. Before the first wave hits."

Atsumu nodded.

"What can I do?" Meian asked. Atsumu bit his lip.

"Drive me home?" Atsumu asked weakly. Meian grinned.

"'Course, gorgeous."

Atsumu blushed at the pet name.

After the last couple of months, Meian had been extremely sweet to him. He was sure the man was a player, the way he acted. He was flirty but classy. Confident. He respected Atsumu's space and hesitance to bring him home. But Atsumu had been to Meian's place plenty of times.

He lived with a roommate who was rarely around, which gave them plenty of alone time.

But Meian's advances never went further than makeout sessions and goody-bye kisses.

Atsumu couldn't believe he was saying this, but he wanted Meian to do more. It made him feel guilty, for being selfish.

He wanted Meian to touch him.

Maybe it was his heat talking, but he could remember distinct times when they pulled apart and he longed for something more than kiss-bitten lips when he left.

Atsumu got into the car and strapped himself in after setting down a towel on the seat with red ears. It was embarrassing, that he couldn't control his body. He felt his slick build up inside and slip out. He just wanted to go home.

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