Bitten Promise

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Atsumu felt hot. Sticky. Exhausted. He was dizzy and his abdomen griped like an awful stomachache. His eyes were damp with tears and his skin with sweat. He needed a shower, a bath, hell to go outside in the rain. But he was too weak. Too tired. His mind wandered in his half-asleep daze. Was Akihiko alright? Was he scared? Was Sakusa tending to him properly?

Atsumu bit his lip.

Did Sakusa even want to take care of him?

Atsumu's nose had been burning from distressed pheromones all day. He was certain it was Sakusa and for a brief moment Osamu.

Sakusa had come in at some point but he barely remember the pain of his scent blockers being peeled off and a cool cloth being pressed against his forehead. The towel had long since dropped to the floor, warm from his body's incredibly high temperature already.

Sakusa must be so sick of him. Of his drama and stubbornness.

Just as the thought crashed down on him he heard the door creak open.

Cool jasmine lightened the saturated room and made him shiver. His eyes stung as he opened then slowly, vision blurry and just able to make out the dark curls drawing closer. A hand pressed against his forehead and made him whine, tugging the covers around him tightly to stay warm.

"Atsumu," he spoke softly. "You need to shower."

So now he was stinky.

"No, it's not you, it's not your fault. But a shower will help even out your temperature. You'll sleep better. You'll feel better."

Atsumu didn't want to move but a shower sounded really nice. So he didn't protest when Sakusa pulled the blankets off of him. It was freezing, and he trembled as Sakusa picked him up and walked towards the bathroom. The harsh sound of the shower water splashing against the tiled floor made him cringe. Sakusa sat him on the stool and grabbed the shower head, dousing him in hot water. Atsumu's goosebumps began to disappear under the heated spray.

He hunched over when water poured over his hair and closed his eyes as rivulets streamed his face. Sakusa ran his hand through his hair a few times before turning off the shower and rubbing him down with soap. Atsumu shivered, eyeing the shower head and waiting for Sakusa's thumb to press against the lever and turn it on once more.

Sakusa eventually hauled him into the bathroom and Atsumu was encased in warmth and coconut oil. Sakusa used it for his hair since it was a frizzy mess in the humid weather but so far the dry winter left him unaffected. Still, Atsumu loved the smell and Kiyoomi must have figured it would be soothing. While he left him to soak in the bath, Sakusa grabbed a few comfortable clothes and a large fluffy towel saturate with a floral hint.


Atsumu's closed eyes relaxed as he sank into the tub and let his nose blow bubbles into the citrus scented water.

Sakusa drained the tub and wrapped him tightly in the towel, quick to dry him off before sitting him down and helping him get dressed. Then he laid the man back down in his bed and pulled the covers over him.

Atsumu felt warm and clean. He was still tired, but when he smelled congee he pushed himself upright on his own and watched Sakusa gently blow on each spoonful before feeding him.

He'd never had a heat like this before. There was no desire to be knotted. He just wanted to be taken care of.

Was it even a heat then?

Did his body know he fought with Sakusa and used this to bring them together?

"Better?" Kiyoomi asked as he set down the empty bowl. Atsumu nodded. "Words?" He felt like a grade schooler again. Being asked for verbal confirmation.

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 [𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu