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Sakusa rarely provided courting gifts. But on the occasion he did, it excited Atsumu.

Finding a neatly wrapped box or package, obviously done by the carrier service, but still.

The first present Sakusa gave him was his high school jacket, the ugly yellow and green jersey faded over the years.

One time he gifted a mug that read, "Only I can call my dream stupid" - Roronoa Zoro, a character from one of his favorite animes. It even printed the panel from the comic with color.

More often than not the gifts are just Sakusa letting Atsumu steal his clothes without a fuss.

So when he emerged from his room, guilty, confused, and exhausted, he was surprised to see something waiting for him outside the door.

Atsumu tugged the blanket cloaking him tighter and leaned down to pick up the gift.

Akihiko's fifth birthday had left them with plenty of extra wrapping paper.

It was already the end of February, tomorrow would be the first day of March.

Akihiko's birthday was animal themed. He couldn't do anything at the zoo, not when it was freezing February 21st. But they arranged a visit to an animal shelter and had to tear him away from the puppies after three hours.

He remembered calling up Osamu and offering Suna a spot at their dinner table, to which his twin declined and Rintarou accepted.

They fought a lot, but it was never serious. In the end, the two showed up and Akihiko was very pleased to see his uncles.

Sakusa had been hesitant for Meian to come but Atsumu had long since made up with him, however awkward things may be at times. Bokuto's invitation extended to Akaashi, just as Hinata's did to Kageyama. Adriah and Tomas were heading home for their few days off, but promised presents when they returned.

Kita and Aran were spending time in the city and were pleased at the offer, accepting rather quickly.

Motoya didn't even know Sakusa had Bonded someone and nearly lost his head when his cousin casually mentioned a party for a child.

His parents had yet to be informed but Atsumu wasn't quite ready for that can of worms. His mother, on the other hand, called him before they had even thought of celebrating, and invited herself over because really, who was he to say no?

Atsumu blinked slowly, turning the box over in his hands. It's rather large in comparison to what he has received before. A shoe box with a ribbon, he concluded. He looked down the empty hall and heard Akihiko making noises downstairs. There was clattering in the kitchen which meant Sakusa was making breakfast.

Dry pancakes, most likely.

Atsumu smiled at the thought.

He retreated to his room and pulled apart the blue ribbon, paper, and lifted open the black box.

It's Sakusa's Jersey from last year.

He grinned, letting the blanket fall from his shoulders so he could tug off his shirt and replace it with the black and white jersey. It smelled incredible. His pulled up the collar to bury his nose in the scent, taking in deep breaths and feeling his skin tingle pleasantly.

He fixed up his nest and closed to door behind him before heading downstairs.

Dressed in sweats and Kiyoomi's jersey, he greeted his son with a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Morning, love," he hummed, ruffling Akihiko's hair. He glanced over the counter top where Akihiko had been spooning sliced up pancakes drenched in syrup. The fresh smell of flour and sugar was a bit sickening but watching Sakusa move about the kitchen in thin pajama pants and a loose t-shirt was...

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