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It wasn't supposed to be possible.

Atsumu very clearly remembered the conversation he had with his doctor.

Recessive Omegas we're very fertile in the first place. And Atsumu had taken a lot of suppressants in his high school years, though apparently no where nearly as much as Hinata.

After the first child it was typical for the womb to be rendered useless. Though, Atsumu didn't know because he was always listening in on Beta health classes.

So why?

Why was he fucking pregnant?

And why was he so worried about Sakusa's reaction?

His stomach knotted and bile rose in his throat. He barely managed to will down the urge to throw up. Atsumu took a shuddered breath, grabbing the tests and throwing them in the trash. He flushed the toilet and washed his hands, getting lost in the motion of rubbing his palms together. He didn't even notice the water had run hot until his hands turned red. Yanking the out and flipping the switch to cold, he sighed and dropped his head.

It's not that Atsumu didn't want another kid.

The idea of going through the whole process wasn't enticing, especially now that he's playing professionally, but he wasn't opposed to the idea of having a second child.

This time around he actually has Kiyoomi. But he can't squash the the little voice in his head reminding him of all the things that happened the first time around.

Would Sakusa be angry?

Would he be upset?

Would he leave?

Atsumu shook his head and dried his hands, trying to compose himself. The only people who would know for now were himself and the janitor that had tonight's shift.

He straightened his posture and puffed out his chest a little, a smile working it's way onto his face.

It would be fine.


And then his shoulders slumped at the thought of Sakusa taking Akihiko away. What if he didn't want another child? What if he left Atsumu to deal with things himself?

"Atsumu?" A voice called out.


He could tell Hinata—

"You okay? Sakusa-San is—"

Atsumu pushed open the door and Hinata jumped a little. He parted his lips, words on his tongue.

Would Hinata hate him for getting pregnant when he couldn't?

Would it be like rubbing it in his face?

Hinata wrinkled his nose.

"Atsumu, what's wrong?" He inquired with worry. Atsumu inhaled sharply and grinned.


Who could he confide in? Who would be okay hearing...


He had to tell Osamu.

Sakusa looked his way when he he returned and the anxiety pooling in his stomach began to bubble unpleasantly. He started towards Atsumu which made him halt, hands fidgeting.

He didn't want to be near Kiyoomi right now.

He wanted his mother. His brother. Not...not him.

Atsumu shot Sakusa a reassuring smile and walked towards Inunaki. But two steps in he felt that same worry when he got closer to Meian. He looked around a bit frantically and spotted Hinata who was heading to Bokuto. Very obviously in a hurry, he ran to grab Hinata's shoulder.

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 [𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦]Where stories live. Discover now