Unrequited Wishes

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Bokuto ruined everything. He and his stupid Alpha nose and his stupid lack of sense.

Not that Atsumu could blame him for being insensitive — no one really knew Hinata was infertile.

But still, he was going to give the news on his terms he just needed...time.

But of course, Bokuto had to go and smell him.

As soon as the two men entered the gym Atsumu found himself sinking behind Sakusa. He didn't like the fact there were so many Alphas. So he stuck close. But Bokuto bounded over, somehow impervious to Kiyoomi's growl.

"I could smell you from all the way over there!" He exclaimed. "When did you find out you were pregnant?!"

The whole gym went silent.

A stray volleyball dropped to the floor. The bounce echoed in the wide space.

Atsumu looked up and saw Hinata frozen in place, staring at him.

He swallowed thickly, parting his lips to say something. But the words died in his throat when Hinata dropped his gaze.

"I knew it," Meian triumphed, while Tomas reluctantly handed him a bill. Inunaki just offered Atsumu a curt nod before glancing at Meian, and then away.

Sakusa pulled Atsumu's waist closer to him protectively, sensing his discomfort. He leaned down, giving someone the side eye while he spoke quietly into Atsumu's ear.

"Are you alright?" His voice made Atsumu shiver. He leaned his head back against Sakusa's chest, tilting it to the side and just barely baring his neck. His eyes lowered to his stomach, not even a trace of a bump. He was suddenly very aware of how many people were watching him and Sakusa in such an intimate position. He grabbed Sakusa's wrist, glancing up at him and nodding, flashing his signature smile. Sakusa seemed unconvinced but released him.

"Yeah, two weeks," Atsumu answered at last.

"Did you tell Coach about it?" Meian asked worriedly. Sakusa glared at him but Atsumu waved his hand as a stern warning, which made him pout and look away.

"Not yet, I was gonna today but, Bokun beat me to it." He glanced at Bokuto who was grinning.

"Won't he be mad? You'll miss this season," Meian pointed out. Again, Sakusa glowered but Atsumu continued to wave him off.

"I'll deal with that, but thanks fer worrying," Atsumu promised. Inunaki scoffed and walked away. "Dude," Atsumu frowned. "Fuck this. Inunaki, why the fuck are ya so mad at me?" Atsumu asked. Inunaki stopped. "Yer always just...fuck if I know."

"Um, maybe we shouldn't do this now-" Adrian started.

"No, I wanna know. What the fuck is your problem, Inunaki?" Atsumu questioned angrily.

God, he had forgotten how bad pregnancy hormones were.

"You want to know my problem?" Inunaki asked, turning on his heel and stomping over angrily. He grabbed Atsumu by the collar and yanked him down to eye level. Sakusa growled but Tomas and Adrian grabbed his arms. Bokuto hurried over and Hinata...Hinata had disappeared a while ago, hadn't he?

"Look at me, Miya," Inunaki ordered, fury in his eyes. Atsumu stared. "You want to know why you piss me off so freakin' much??" He tugged at his collar again and Atsumu stumbled forward. "You want to know why I hate you?!"

"SHION!" Meian's voice boomed. The two froze. Even Bokuto and Sakusa turned their heads to him in surprise. "That's enough," he growled.

Inunaki's hand quivered, quick to release his grasp and lower his head.

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 [𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora