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(Y/n's POV)

While Kris was gone, Susie, Ralsei and I played tag in the little area near the basement door. I tagged Ralsei and ran off to use Susie as a body shield. "HEY YOU CAN'T USE ME!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" Susie laughed. "YEAH I CAN!" Ralsei reached out for me before I pushed Susie into him. I ran off into the entrance and jumped behind the counter of the cafe. "You can't be in here!" Swatch said. "SHHH." I shushed. "Y/N~ I'M COMING FOR YOU~!" Susie sang. I covered my mouth to muffle my breathing so Susie wouldn't hear me. I heard her walk up to the cafe counter. "Say uh, Mx. Swatch. Have you seen Y/n around here? About ye short, super extra clothes, A CHEATER AT TAG!" she asked banging on the counter. "Also um, could I have 3 But Juices?" she said politely. "Y-yes. Coming right up." they said walking into the kitchen. Susie crawled over the counter and grabbed my leg. She dragged me out from under the counter. "You're. It." she smirked. "Susie! Y/n! I think Kris is in trouble!" Ralsei screamed from the basement area. Susie grabbed the tea and ran back with me. "What is it Ralsei?" I said concerned. "Kris still hasn't come back yet! I think something's wrong!" Ralsei exclaimed. "Then what the hell are we waiting for let's go!" Susie said. We went into the basement and rushed down the stairs to see Kris passed out on the floor. It seemed like they were downed but tried to drag themselves back up for help. "KRIS!" I called out. I rushed towards them and held them in my arms. I took a But Juice from my inventory and healed them up with it. Kris started to wake up and I hugged them tight. "Don't do that again. For now on, we come with you." I said. "B-but you can't... H-he said 'come alone...'" they said weakly. "I don't care. I don't want anything bad to happen to you Kris. I love you." I smiled. "I-I love you too." they smiled back. I lifted them up and Ralsei and I helped them walk. "Now let's get out of here." I said. "W-wait, I need to get something in here." Kris said. "What is it?" Susie asked. "It's some disk in a robot on the left." they gestured. "Then let's go. Y/n you stay with Kris. They need you." Susie said walking off with Ralsei. "Kris... is it that you didn't trust me?" I said. "What? No, no, of course not. I just... he told me to come alone and.." Kris trailed off. "Well next time, let at least one of us come with you. You could've died down here and we wouldn't have known..." I teared up. "Hey, hey, don't cry, N/n. That won't happen. I promise. I'm going to be okay, okay?" they said playing with my hair. "Okay." I sniffled. They pulled me closer and kissed me deeply, before Ralsei and Susie came back with the disk. "Hey guys we got the disk!" Susie exclaimed. "Now where to?" I asked. "We go back to Spamton's shop." I said. We got Kris closer to the save point so they would be fully healed and took the doorframe back to Spamton's shop. Kris went in alone again while we waited for them outside.


(Kris' POV)

I went into Spamton's shop by myself and closed the door. "Spamton. I got the disk." I said. "KRIS!!! YOU DID IT!! YOU [[Funky]] LITTLE [[Worm]]! YOU BROUGHT ME THE DISK!! HOCHI MAMA!!!! I CAN FEEL THAT [Smooth Taste] ALREADY!! ... NOW KRIS. DON'T BE GREEDY. HAND OVER. THE DISK. THEN WE WILL TRANSFER. MY [[Hyperlink Blocked]]. THEN. KRIS. AFTER. THIS IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT. GO BACK. AND PUT. THE DISK. BACK. WHERE YOU GOT IT.
DO THAT... AND YOU HAVE MY [Specil Guaranttee] I WILL [[Pass My Savings Onto You!]] EVERY [Big], EVERY [Shot], EVERY [Hyperlink Blocked], ALL YOURS, KRIS. SO WHAT DO YOU SAY? BIG SHOT... [[Warning! If you consent to the terms and agreements,]] [[OUR STORE is PERMANENTLY Closing Down!!]]" he said. "Let's do it." I said pressing transfer. "FINALLY!!! I KNEW YOU WOULD [[Request Accepted]]
KRIS!!! HERE I GO!!! BEGIN THE [[Transfer]]" he said before his entire shop got sucked into the disk. I swear I could feel it smiling in my hand. I left the empty shop.


"So... is the deal done?" Y/n asked. "I wish. He wants me to bring it back to the basement." I sighed. "Ugh, all of this errand boy stuff is pissing me the fuck off." Susie groaned. "It's fine. You guys are going with me this time. I'll put the disk in on my own, and you guys will wait by the savepoint down there. If anything bad happens I'll call you guys and you'll come save me." I explained. "Sounds like a plan." they all agreed. We used the doorframe back to Queen's mansion. We went to the shortcut and down the basement stairs. "Okay wait here. Remember the plan." I said. "Alright." Susie agreed. "Mhm!" Ralsei hummed. "Okay. Be safe, will you?" I asked, cupping their face. I gave them a quick kiss. "Do I have any other choice?" I chuckled sheepishly. Y/n gave me a look of disapproval. "I promise I will." I said. I walked off from them and put the disk back. Suddenly all the humming noises went quiet. I walked out and tried to go back to Y/n, Susie and Ralsei but someone pushed me on the floor. It was Spamton... but he was absolutely huge. He had a huge cannon and  an abstract looking body. He was hanging from the ceiling with a bunch of strings. "HOLY [[Cungadero]] DO I FEEL GOOD ..." he said. "S-Spamton?" I stuttered, backing up. "HERE I AM!!KRIS!! BIG BIG, [[BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER]] HA HA HA ... THIS POWER IS FREEDOM. I WON'T HAVE TO BE JUST A PUPPET ANY MORE!!!! ... OR... so... I... thought. WHAT ARE THESE STRINGS!? WHY AM I NOT [BIG] ENOUGH!? It's still DARK... SO DARK! KRIS. KRIS. THAT'S RIGHT. YOU. I NEED YOU. TO BE BIG. WITH ME. VERY VERY BIG. SO BIG WE'LL STAND UP TALL AND SEE PAST THE DARK. STAND UP WITH OUR HEADS IN THE CLOUDS AND LOOK INTO H E A V E N. I JUST NEED THAT LITTLE, [[SOUL]] Y O U HAVE." he said inching closer towards me. He cornered me into a wall, aiming his cannon at me. Suddenly Susie hit him with her Rude Buster. Spamton's body broke down the wall behind me and the smoke revealed Susie, Y/n and Ralsei standing there in shock. "Kris!" Y/n said rushing towards me. "The hell was that weirdo!?" Susie said. "I'm starting to REALLY regret this decision. We should've left after the tea.." I sighed. "Kris, we were worried about you, so-" Ralsei was cut off. Out of nowhere, carts swept under us and we fell inside. "Shit what was that?!" Y/n screamed. "KRIS!!! YOU HAVE [Friends]!?" Spamton appeared in front of us. "WHY DON'T YOU TELL THEM ABOUT MY [4 for One Specil]!
[Attention Customers! Clean up on Aisle 3!] SOMEONE LEFT [There] SOULS, [Lyeing Around......]" He spawned three rows of blue heads at us and our soul appeared. It rotated to the side and turned yellow. Apparently now we're able to use it like a gun now. Guess we're shooting Spamton down.  Y/n and I shot at the heads and cleared the way. "Kris!?!? WAS THAT A [BIG SHOT] JUST NOW!?
WOW!!! I'M SO [Proud] OF YOU, I COULD [Killed] YOU! [Heaven], are you WATCHING? IT'S TIME TO MAKE A VERY [Specil] DEAL..." he said sinisterly.

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