The Wedding Part 2

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The Doctor:

"A what do?" I asked incredulously, staring hard at Marcus, Mickey, Jack and Rory. "I never had one of those last time I got married!"

Rory and Jack exchanged a look that told me I wasn't getting out of this one without a fight. "A Stag Do, you know, the thing you and Sera decided to gate crash? Guys in a strip club, or a bar, something, a few drinks, a laugh. Last night of freedom before you're tied down. Well, not tied down, but you know what I mean."

I thought about it, knowing that I was probably not getting out of this, but not really wanting to even attempt going to anywhere Jack Harkness thought was a good idea. I still remember going to Space Vegas with him and Rose, that had not ended well. "Doctor, you seriously do not have a choice in this, we've already made sure that Martha, Sarah Jane, Amy and River are giving Sera a Hen Night. Oh, and Gwen and Rhys are on their way, baby Anwyn is all snug in the car."

That was good to know, Mrs Gwen Williams had been a good friend to my Sera. But still, a Stag Do? I really didn't have an option. "Fine, fine, but Rory is in charge, and Jack is not allowed to flirt. I am not going back, in time to let him apologise to anyone."

"Doctor, I'm married. Well, widowed. Sort of. Trust me, never get married to a time traveller with a life as complex as River Song." Jack smiled, clapping my shoulder and pulling me back into the TARDIS. I did feel sorry for Jack, truly. In his eyes, River died, she was downloaded into the data core of the Library because of her time stream, she was still in his life, not knowing her own future. "Where to, Vegas, Space Vegas, the Maldovarium, the Water Ladies Holo-Club in the Entertainment System."

"Mate, we're all married here, remember?" Mickey pointed out. "Our wives, and Sera, will kill us, especially if we get you so drunk you forget where you park us. I love her and everything, but Sera scares the living daylights out of me. Now, I think we just go down the pub, have a few drinks, have laugh, reminisce about old times."

That sounded like a much better plan that being dragged out to the Universes most expensive strip club like Jack had apparently wanted us to go to. So I programmed in the local pub, in the right time zone, and we had a look outside, finding a very comical sight. The ladies had beaten us to it. I could see Sarah Jane's car, as well as hearing them all chattering inside. "Gentlemen, I believe that we're going to have to relocate, Sera and I haven't seen each other since yesterday, and we're not allowed to see each other until tomorrow either."

I saw my fellow men exchange a look, and then I was pulled back inside, and they dragged me into the garage, where they then started looking at the car I'd accumulated over the years. And then they decided on a massive Jeep. And then we were trying to work out how to get it out of the TARDIS, which I knew, I was just enjoying watching them all bicker about it.

Though I eventually just walked over to a computer terminal they hadn't spotted and then activated the teleport for it. And then after about 2 minutes, they realised that it was actually gone. "Doctor!"

"I got bored." I smiled, walking back out to the console room and letting them follow me. "I'm guessing that we're driving to another pub then? Or, maybe someone else should drive, because I tried to drive a fire engine once, and it did not end well..."

Rory could vouch for that one. "Yeah, he drove the ladder through a hospital window, with Sera on it."

Mickey grabbed the keys from the rack and legged it, racing Jack and Marc to the big blue jeep now waiting next to Sarah's cute little Nissan. And then we were driving to another pub. How many of those were there on this planet?


"--- And he was on a date, with a Slitheen, while Rose was out with him, and I was fixing this extrappolator to the TARDIS, and then it starts to rip apart the entire Rift in the middle of the Cardiff Bay! And he's sat there drinking wine!"

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