Find the Babies

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They were being weird. The Doctor and Sera, they were messing around under the console while Rory and I watched, and they were just being very, very quiet.

They had to be up to something.

"OK, I'll bite, what are you two up to?" I asked, and they both slid out, Sera back in her Elizabethan Alice in Wonderland dress, and the Doctor in his usual, minus the tweed jacket. "You've been doing something under there for half an hour, and that's suspicious."

Sera stood up, folding her arms at me. "Would you really understand it if I told you we were bio-dampening the artron energy tri-back injector with a seal of solid Limanon nectar to stop the TARDIS from losing energy and meaning we only have to fill up with fuel every 200 years?" I blinked at her. "Didn't think so."

Rory put his hand up. "I got it. Basically, Amy, they're covering over any holes in the pipes to stop the TARDIS leaking." Aw, he was so smart. "See, I have been paying attention, Doctor."

The Doctor walked over to him now, putting his face really close as he was getting grumpy. He just reminded me of the kittens Martha showed us once, where one was trying to be all big and tough, but it really didn't work. "I like it when people are amazed by our science, Rory, but you keep messing that up. Also, I was fixing the time matrix, different to Sexy, this one determines how quickly or slowly time passes in the TARDIS. I want to slow it down."

"Won't that mean we age slower as well?"

Sera nodded. "Yeah, and also you get to sleep for longer. Doctor, remember, we have to press those buttons at exactly the same time. I don't know what will happen if we don't." They both took up positions, one ready to press a blue button, and the other ready to press a red one. "Ready? 3... 2..."

"1" The Doctor pressed the button a good 2 seconds before Sera did, and then there was a bright flash and a bang, making Rory grab me and hide my face in his chest. We when looked back, they were gone.

"Doctor? Sera?" Rory asked, motioning for me to stay put and going to look to where they had both been stood. And then he took in a shocked breath, covering his mouth with his hands. "Oh, my, god..."

"What?" I moved forwards a little. "Rory? What?" He bent down, and picked up a tiny little toddler, with big brown eyes and long brown hair. "Oh, my god..." I moved around to where the Doctor had been, finding a tiny little baby Doctor, complete with bow tie and suspenders. His big green eyes were confused as he pulled at his tie and pinged his suspenders. Which obviously hurt, as he started crying. "Oh, hey, hey, shh. It's all right, I've got you." I told him, picking him up and shushing his cries. "Rory, what the hell?"

He was still transfixed by tiny Sera, who was grinning at him, playing with his fingers and ring while he smiled. He would make such an amazing dad... "I don't know, but isn't she adorable!"

"Well, yeah, and look at the tiny Doctor?" I laughed, going over to him. The Doctor had tangled his hands into my hair now he was distracted, not pulling it, more just playing with it, kind of like he was trying to plait it. "He's so tiny!"

Putting the married couple close to each other, they suddenly weren't interested in us adults, they wanted to play with each other, so I shifted the Doctor into Rory's arms, and the two babies hugged each other and started playing a sort of pat-a-cake game. "Who's the Mini-Ponds now, huh?" I laughed, getting out my phone to take a photo of them, Rory grinning in the background.

The problem with this was, we had no clue how to turn them back into adult Seraphina and Doctor, and even the little babies were actually little babies, all gurgly and sing songy. "I think, that we may need to see if there are any nappies or something." Rory said, suddenly looking up at me instead of the baby Time Lords.

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