Lost and Found

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The Doctor:

"Sera, please, you need to eat something." I begged her, seeing her still sat in the console room, watching out of the door in silence. She hadn't eaten in days, barely moving from there, only coming when I dragged her to bed, or into the shower. I'd had to wash her because she just didn't care, she knew our daughter was safe, but she also couldn't feel anything but loss. It had been this way for three months.

Sera stared out of the door in silence, hugging her knees to her chest. "Please, my Princess. You know she is safe, you know that River is our Melody, and that she is safe and sound now."

"But we also know how she dies. I, I knew she was our daughter, I did since the Library, but... I wanted to bring her up, Asa, that's all I wanted, to raise our baby girl, our Melody, and then Arcadia, and River, River was on my list of names. I wanted our baby to be with us..."

She knew. She knew who River was this whole time. Her mind made connections so much faster than mine did, she saw that it had to be who she was, I just wished that she could have told me. Stupid rules.

I sat down beside her, pulling her onto my lap and rocked her gently as she started to cry again, hiding her face in my neck. "I know, my Sera, I know. I wanted that too. But we also know that she has a good life, she marries Jack, has good friends. Please, I can't see you like this again, it nearly killed me last time."

"I, I can't, I can't I can't, it hurts, it hurts so bad... Please, I just want the pain to stop..."

"Sera, Sera, stop, look at me, look at me, Seraphina." She stopped, looking up at me, and my hearts broke even more to see her like this. It was worse than she was just numb, then, then she didn't feel anything, but this? This was pure, 100% pain. "I can feel this too, my Princess, my hearts, my hearts were so, so happy when I knew that you were pregnant, when I knew that we were having Melody, River. And to have her suddenly ripped away from us..."

Tears started to fall down my own cheeks then, and she wiped them away for me for once, trying to sniff back hers. "I, I'm sorry my Angel, my sweet, sweet Angel. I, I didn't think about you, how could I do that... I'm sorry, I, I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's not your fault, Dear." I laughed slightly, kissing her forehead. "But you carried her, you gave her life, my Sera. Please, just... Come eat something, get some sleep, just try and keep going. For your sister and Rory."

"I'll try, I, I promise. I'll try. I need, I need time." She whispered back, resting her forehead on mine. "I'll try."


Road rally through a corn maze, had nothing else to try to get their attention. "Okay, left. Sharp turn! Okay, right. No, no, no, I mean left. No, sorry, right, right. I definitely meant right. Now loop the loop." I was hating this, I was just getting jostled about but if it got Sera and the Doctor here, then hopefully we could find out if they tracked down their daughter. "Stop! Stop!"

And there, in the middle of the crop circle we just made, was the TARDIS. The Doctor came out, holding a copy of the Leadworth Chronicle with the headline Leadworth's Crop Circle. Incredibly old, but still readable. "Seriously?" He asked us, while we got out of Rory's tiny little Mini.

"Well, you never answer your phone. Not even, not even Sera did." Rory said, following me out.

"Okay, you've had all summer. Did you found her? Did you found Melody?"

I watched him falter, and then I knew he didn't. Sera... "Permission?" He asked Rory. Why did they do that? I was married to Rory, and he was married to Sera.

"Granted." He passed him the newspaper and hugged me.

"You know who she grows up to be, so you know we will find her. Our Melody, River."

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