April 22nd

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I drive towards school, and I see Maddy's car already. I realize I haven't even respond to her text. I feel so awful for ignoring her after what happened with her parents just because of those paintings and the way she got mad at me before I moved out.

Every friendship as fights like this. Calling each other names we don't mean but that doesn't mean I have to leave her alone.

Because that's all she's done. Painting me and telling me I'm not special... as far as I know.

Or maybe a part of me is just scared I don't know. I just wanna be there for her until she feels better about her parents.


Can I explain the paintings?
I know you're mad because of that.
I saw you looking at me like I'm a crazy person.
I'm not crazy.
I was just practicing for the perfect present for you.
I know it was weird to see so many paintings of yourself but it's the truth.
And the door was locked because I didn't want to explain it to my parents.
So please...
Don't think weird of me because of that.
I was just trying to make the perfect painting.
Don't be mad at me.
I love you.
More than anything
You're my best friend
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.
Please responds.

I don't think you're crazy.
And I'm not mad.
Don't worry, we're good.

Oh thank fucking god
I thought you let Stephanie did voodoo on me or something since you didn't reply.

She did, apparently it worked since you begged for my forgiveness.
You never did that before :)

Shut up.


You know what's funny. I freaked out when I saw those paintings. But if it was Emma or Steph who painted me so many times, I would laugh at them, and they would probably laugh too after I saw it.

I step out of the car, and I see James stepping out of his car, and I see all kinds of girls walking towards him to ask about the trip.

He starts laughing about something one of the girls said. They're making stupid jokes that are actually funny but I'm just gonna pretend they're not.

I can't keep my eyes off of them as I walk forward, and I bump into Brad. The tall guy who forgot his bag in class and almost caught me and James kissing.

He places both of his hands on my arms to prevent me from falling. "Sorry." I say with a little smile and James immediately stops laughing as soon as he sees us.

"Distracted?" Brad asks me as he looks at James who's leaning against his car with the girls around him.

"No, no I just didn't pay attention." I say as I pull my shoulders up.

He looks at James quick and then back at me. He starts moving his thumb over my arm while he keeps holding it. "Watch where you're going next time okay?" He says as he slides his hand down over my arm.

"So how long are we on the road because I-" but James walks away from the girls without saying anything and the girls are furrowing their brows.

James walks up to us and I didn't notice because my eyes are on Brad. James stands behind me and he blocks the sun as I'm covered in a puddle of shadow.

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