2 - Claude

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"Aaaah!!" I yelled as I bumped into someone and nearly fell to the ground. I quickly straightened myself, my cheeks turning pink. Gosh, I was so clumsy.

"Watch it," someone's voice said, chuckling. I looked up to see Flynn Armani looking at me, his eyebrow raised in a high arch.

"Sorry, Flynn," I said sheepishly. "I was completely immersed in this flyer. Paris is hosting the Eiffel Tower Music Festival Summer Camp this year, and we're finally old enough to participate!"

"Oh, yeah. I was reading that a few minutes ago, too," Flynn said, peering over my shoulder at the colorful flyer in my hands. "Are you auditioning?"

"Yeah, with the cello. Although I probably won't get in," I said nervously. "Are you auditioning? With the violin?"

"Yup," he replied. "I'm not so confident, either. There are so many great violinists out there. It's almost impossible that I'll get in."

"You're great, Flynn," I said, cringing at how awkward I sounded complimenting someone. "You'll definitely catch the judges' attention. But I think our quartet's sounding pretty good already, so I hope we both get accepted."

Flynn nodded. "If we do get accepted, it'll probably be the most difficult summer we've ever experienced. I heard it's a really intense program."

"Yeah. It's only April and I'm already getting nervous. The auditions have to be submitted my next month so they can do all the planning for July, right?" I asked.

"Uh-huh, I think so. I heard they'll let everyone know the results by June," Flynn said slowly.

"Well, I gotta go grab lunch, so I'll talk to you later, Flynn," I said, waving.

Flynn nodded and saluted me, then strode off in the opposite direction.

It always surprised me how cool and confident Flynn was all the time. I wouldn't call him arrogant, but he always had an air of . . . superiority. It was just that he gave off the feeling. Flynn and I knew each other from the chamber music program at Seaside Heights, and he was one of the best violinists I had ever met. It would be amazing if we both met each other in the Eiffel Tower Music Festival.

My full name was Claudius, but almost everyone I knew called me Claude - it sounded like a real name by itself, anyway. I had messy dark brown hair, warm brown eyes, and had a pretty tall and rangy build. I loved classical music, and I had been playing the cello since I was four. I was probably the clumsiest guy around and sounded pretty awkward when I was talking. I wasn't exactly popular, but a lot of people liked me because I had a friendly personality. I also got nervous easily, and the upcoming auditions for the summer camp were not helping, even if they were by video submission.

I wondered who else was auditioning in Seaside Heights. I had heard that there were a few musicians who were really talented in our grade, and I hoped I would have a chance to meet them some time.

I quickly plopped down at my usual table with my string quartet group. Flynn was already way on the other side of the table, listening to music with his eyes closed, probably classical. Huh. How had he come here so fast?

"Are you guys auditioning for the summer camp?" I asked as soon as I caught my breath.

"Maybe, but probably not. It's too much pressure," one of my friends, Conner, said, yawning.

"Yeah, I agree. But you would be great for it, Claude," Marcus added.

"Y-yeah, I'm planning on auditioning," I grinned sheepishly. Ugh, my stutter was back. It came whenever I got the least bit nervous.

We talked about it for a little while, but the boys soon changed the subject to sports. I glanced at Flynn. He opened his eyes for one moment and caught my eye but quickly closed them again. I sighed internally. I wished Flynn and I were closer - we would have a lot to talk about together.


"Mom! MOM!!" I yelled, rushing through the door and knocking into a chair that was at least a meter away from me. I rubbed my arm and continued hurrying into the house.

"Claude, are you home?" Mom called, rushing out to meet me. "What are you so excited about today?"

"It's . . . this . . . program," I said, catching my breath. "The Eiffel Tower Music Festival Summer Camp Program! Here's the flyer." I handed Mom the colorful flyer that I had brought home.

"Wow, this is amazing, Claude! I'm so glad the school's given us this opportunity," Mom said after reading the flyer, rubbing my back. "But we have to pay $8600 if you decide to go? That's a lot, Claudius."

I knew Mom was being serious when she called me by my full name. "I know, but the school's giving us half," I said nervously. "We'll be able to pay $4300, right?"

"Well, it's still a lot of money, but if it's something you really want, Claudius, we can make it work," Mom smiled.

"Thank you so much, Mom! It means a lot to me - and I'll practice lots to get in," I chuckled.

"I know you will," Mom said proudly. "That's my Claude. But you might have to use some of your allowance to help your father and I pay for it, though . . ."

"It's fine, of course I'll help if I get accepted," I said, waving it off. I had always been generous with my allowance, and I would use all of it for this program if I needed to.

I waltzed up the stairs to my room and plopped down on my bed. I really hoped I was good enough to get in. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I wouldn't want to miss it for the world.

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