28 - Flynn (Part 1)

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We stopped at a cafe near the hotel to make our plan. Since it was a pretty normal day tomorrow, we were planning to pay the house a visit tomorrow. I had to admit that I was pretty impressed with Arielle and Bree's discovery. And I appreciated the fact that they returned the five rental bikes back to their rightful place, which wasn't their responsibility, but was. Even if we were all basically broke now.

I glanced to my side, and I saw Bree wearing a serious expression on her face. When it came to solving mysteries, or anything of that sort, she was always on Mission Impossible mode. And for some reason, I just liked that about her. Argh, stop, Flynn, you cheesebrain.

Our group of five entered the cafe and took our seats at a table in the corner. The last thing we wanted was for someone we knew to happen to listen to our sneaky plan.

"Five fruit refreshers, please," Bree said to the server. "I'll take it." She nodded at us to let us know that she was going to pay for all of our drinks.

"Uh, Bree, you don't have to -" I tried to say.

"I insist," she said, with a small smirk. I shook my head and smiled back. Uh, since when had that girl been this generous?

"Okay, so, first of all, how are we going to take ourselves to the house? Do we know how far it is?" Archer said, starting the conversation.

"I'll search the address up on Google Maps. Since this cafe is near Hotel Flannelles, we'll make the hotel the base," Bree said, pulling out her phone to do so. "It's fifteen minutes away from here by car."

"That's . . . pretty far," I said, biting my lip. "We definitely can't walk, but I don't want to take the rental bikes again, either. Because of certain . . . traumatic experiences."

"Yeah, we shouldn't use the bikes this time," Arielle agreed, shaking her head. "We can't make the shuttle buses go wherever we want, and the normal buses don't really operate that well in Paris."

"What other options do we have?" Claude mused. "Taxi?"

"I feel like it would be a little weird if five teenagers suddenly piled into a taxi, claiming they had to go to a house," Bree commented.

"Then do we have any other options left?" I said, furrowing my brow. All the available modes of transportation flashed through my mind. All of them didn't work. Were we already at a dead end?

"I only we could drive," Arielle said sadly.

"Maybe we can't drive," Bree said slyly, "but someone else can."

"Huh?" Claude said, looking confused. "What do you mean?"

"I think I have a plan," Bree said, smirking and leaning closer into the table. "We trick one of our staff members."

"WHAT?!" Arielle, Claude, and Archer almost stood up from the table. I widened my eyes, surprised by what Bree had just said.

"We trick one of our staff members into driving us," Bree said nonchalantly, shrugging. "Just say, I don't know, we're all trying to visit my grandmother's house or something."

"Grandmother's house? Wha-" I sputtered. "How does that even make sense?"

"You need to lie to get what you want sometimes, Cheesebrain," Breee argued. "This is a plan."

"But . . . I don't really see the resemblance," Claude stepped in, his tone wary. "If your grandmother lived here, she would probably be French. Bree, you don't really look like you're from French descent."

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