27 - Arielle (Part 2)

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~ A Few Hours Later ~

I was sitting on my bed in my hotel room, scrolling through my laptop's contents. It was already evening, and Paris looked as magical as ever.

I went onto my email and saw that I had received a new one . . . from Bree. It was the Project SUS Person Log doc. I smiled. Bree always made sure to do everything she promised, didn't she?

I clicked on the doc and read all of the entries of the log, from beginning to end. Bree was a really good writer, which was something I had never known before. Something about the way she put her words into sentences was just interesting and clear enough to make me want to keep reading. It was like I found out new strengths about Bree almost every time I met her. I was probably going to persuade Bree to enter a few writing contests when we started school again. Maybe she already had, but if she hadn't, I guessed that it would be a great experience for her.

I opened the chat box on the document to send a message to Bree for her to read when she could.

Arielle: Hey, Bree! I just went onto this doc for the first time.
Thanks for sending it!
I was wondering if I could add a few pages to the log if I need to add a few more details we might have missed. You can reply whenever you can :)

I planned to spend the rest of the night scrutinizing all of the entries Bree had written, because there were actually quite a lot of them. Bree was all eyes and ears in this investigation, so of course she would have this much information about it.

After about an hour of reading and making numerous theories in my head about the Mystery of the Masked Guy, my eyes started to droop. I hadn't realized, up 'till now, how much this mystery was tiring me out. In fact, the whole situation was just so disturbing that I couldn't even focus on the actual summer camp. And then that led me to worry about what would happen if we actually got into a lot of trouble . . . and maybe got kicked out. Ooh, *shudder*.

I woke up from dozing with a start and quickly put my laptop away - I didn't want to break it while accidentally falling asleep in a sitting position. I was getting accustomed to all of the early summer camp mornings every. single. day, but I didn't want to have neck, leg, back, and whole-body pain for the whole day tomorrow. I had heard from a few people that new exciting events were coming up a few days later in the summer camp, and, of course, I didn't want to have less-than-100% participation in that.

I made myself comfortable in bed. As soon as I fell asleep . . . I had a dream.

I stepped out onto the top balcony of the AAA, carrying my backpack and shouldering my flute case. When I turned my head, I saw two people sitting on one of the balcony benches. I cautiously stepped closer, and I realized that the two people were . . . Claude and Ivy. They were both dressed normally, but it looked like they were having an abnormally deep conversation. Claude's warm brown eyes sank deep into Ivy bright blue ones, and it was almost like I could see the physical connection between them. I didn't know if they could see me, so I cleared my throat to see if they would have a reaction to the sound. They didn't, so that probably meant I was invisible.

I stepped in front of them, watching them talk. It was almost as if the whole thing was playing in slow motion, which was kind of odd. I couldn't hear what they were talking about. Claude smiled, and Ivy laughed. I stepped closer and sighed. I didn't know why I kept feeling like this. Like there was always some sort of burden between me and Claude. Even though nothing had ever really happened between us. It was a new feeling, which made it even weirder. No matter how much I wished for it to just go away, it kept getting stuck in my mind, my brain . . . and my heart.

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