29 - Bree (Part 1)

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~ Two Weeks Later ~

"I haven't ridden a horse in, like, forever," I said, staring at the email on my phone.

Flynn was beside me. He was looking over my shoulder at my phone. "So you've never ridden a horse in your life before?"

Flynn Armani was, apparently, really good at horseback riding, as well as polo. He'd basically been doing it all his life, thanks to his parents. And now, we were going horseback riding at the stables near the AAA the day after tomorrow. As a summer camp. Well, actually, more like in groups at a time. Flynn and I were in the same group, which I had mixed feelings about. I didn't understand why I was even the least uneasy about Flynn looking down at me for my rusty horseback riding skills. I wasn't supposed to care what people thought.

I glared at him, looking over my shoulder. I almost jumped after seeing how close his face was. Sheesh, give me some space, Cheesebrain. Heh. "I just haven't ridden in a long time. I used to love it when I was younger, just so you know." I flashed him a big, sarcastic smile.

Flynn looked at me, backing away a little. I loved it when I intimidated him. He was not an easy target, though, to be honest. "Well, uh . . . do you want me to teach you?"

I did a classic double take and stared at him. "T . . . teach me?"

"Yeah. Well, if you don't want to get squashed like a bug by the good people, it'd be a good idea to learn from someone who's actually familiar with it. The stables are open most of the time, and we can borrow two horses if we ask," Flynn said, a little awkwardly. His eyes glanced everywhere but at me. He put his hands in his pockets.

I snorted. "You really think I'm that bad? I never knew you stooped so low, Flynn Armani."

Flynn smirked at me. The one that always made me feel weird when I was directly looking at him. "Even if you're not, wouldn't you like to be a VIP student?"

I scoffed. "Fine. But don't you dare think of this as a Bree-learns-from-Flynn sort of experience. I'm testing your skills out, too, so don't let down your guard."

Flynn laughed. "Okay, okay." He turned away, and I heard him quietly muttering, "I never let down my guard." 

I laughed, only because I knew that he had no idea that he did, sometimes. He was way too narcissistic to notice, probably.

"So, Mr. Horseback Rider, when's the first lesson?" I said cheekily, tapping his shoulder to make him turn back around. As time went by, I became increasingly insistent with Flynn Armani. Maybe it was because I was getting closer friends with him. Or maybe it was for some different reason, but I didn't have time to think about that right now. I hoped he didn't mind the way I currently treated him, because he would be a great loss of both a friend and a trusty partner in crime. And . . . also something else, but I couldn't explain it.

"Well, our trip to the stables as a summer camp is in two days, so how about today evening?" Flynn suggested nonchalantly.

"That works," I said, nodding. "See you there this evening . . . at what time?"

"I'll have to book two horses before the session, so I'll text you later," Flynn decided. Something about the way he said that was just kind of . . . amusing, to me. I didn't know, my thinking was kind of messed up nowadays.

I nodded at him. "Sure. Let's go to lunch."

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