28 - Flynn (Part 2)

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~ One Week Later ~

We're going swimming today? I thought. I had just received an email from the summer camp that all of the students were going on a swimming trip today. To a beach somewhere. Our first summer camp trip of July - also my birthday month.

It had been a week since we had visited Evelyn and Edgar's house. The Masked Guy hadn't struck again after Bree had seen him running down the hallway in front of our hotel rooms, but we were still looking out for him. We hadn't seen Edgar, either. Bob looked pretty normal, so we guessed that Edgar either never knew that five other summer camp students had practically broken into his house, or he just hadn't told Bob.

I quickly gathered my swimming stuff (I didn't know exactly what time we would be going today yet) and went out the door.

I caught up to Bree in the hotel lobby. She was standing alone, as usual. Ugh, the poor loner. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Everyone knew that I was just as lonely as she was, if not more. And everyone also knew that we both didn't care.

"Swimming trip today," I greeted, looking at her.

She turned to look at me. She sighed, looking rueful. "Normally, I like going swimming, but I'm just not really feeling it today."

"Really? Why not?" I questioned.

"I dunno, I would rather keep trying to locate Edgar," Bree said, shrugging and glancing around. "Why does it seem like he disappears every time we're looking for him?"

"Oh, so you're worried about seeing Edgar while he's swimming and forgetting about how he's a potential criminal?" I teased. Edgar, in his normal form, actually didn't quite look like a dirty criminal. He was very good-looking, along with his sister Evelyn. Maybe that was why it was kind of hard to suspect him.

Bree glared at me and slapped my arm. "Ew, gross. As if. I'm just worried we'll have too much fun swimming that we won't be able to catch him if he does something else."

I rolled my eyes. "What a mystery-aholic."

Bree glared at me again. "Actually, yes. How are you seriously thinking about swimming at a time like this? So childish." She scoffed.

"I . . . keep feeling like there's a different reason," I said, leaning in close to her face and examining her. This was sometimes the best way to get someone to tell the truth when they were lying.

She blinked at me, surprised at how close my face was to hers. Ha, yes, Flynnigan Armani was definitely a guy who gave people the jitters. And the shivers.

Bree turned red and looked away. "Uh, no way, José."

I laughed and stood back up. "Oh, the shuttle bus is here."


"Wait, so you're really not going swimming? Are you for real?" I said, raising my eyebrows at Bree. We were now on the shuttle bus going to the tropical beach where we were swimming, but she still wasn't so enthusiastic about going swimming.

"I brought my swim stuff," Bree replied, patting her backpack. "But you have to promise that you won't have too much of a good time. Keep your eyes and ears out for the Masked Guy. Or Edgar, I mean. Some say that criminals are always less careful when they don't expect anything coming. Namely, at an open, lots-of-people beach swimming party."

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