8 - Flynn

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I walked out of class and straight to my locker as soon as the lunch bell rang. I was getting a headache from thinking so much about Bree during the past two classes - and they had felt like they were each an eternity long.

I didn't even know why I felt so weird around Bree all the time. Maybe it was because I had finally "met my match" or something. She was, by far, probably the only person who had actually wanted to approach and talk to me. Maybe I just wasn't as weird around her as I was around other people, for whatever reason.

I had seen her in English class (strangely, I had never really realized that she was in it), but I had kind of pretended not to notice her too much, because I wasn't really sure about anything yet. Namely, I wasn't sure if I liked Bree enough to be able to talk too comfortably to her yet.

And now . . . I was probably going to see her again. At the Eiffel Tower Summer Camp meeting. Which I was looking forward to (NOT because a certain blonde girl with a purple beanie was going to be there, but because of the actual program that I was VERY VERY interested in). It was funny how I almost needed to convince myself that that was true, though.

I sighed, grabbed my lunch bag, and strode off to the theater. When I reached it, I slowly stepped in and saw a bunch of students scattered around in the seats, sitting and chatting with each other. I quickly scanned the area and saw Bree's purple beanie in one on the seats on the side.

I took a deep breath - I was normally good at hiding my emotions - and walked down the numbers of seats. I glanced beside me, and that's when Bree's cool brown eyes met mine. I hadn't been planning to sit next to her, but it wasn't really like I could just pass by without saying anything, in this situation. Before I could look away, her hand reached out and gently grabbed my arm. A split second later, she gave me a crooked smile - the one that made me feel so weird all the time.

"Flynn," she said. "You came, huh?"

I smirked and turned toward her, keeping my eyebrows raised. 

"Hey, Bree," I said coolly. I cleared my throat. "Look, I know this is sudden and all, but . . . I might have something to tell you."

I hesitated. What was I even trying to say? This was so unlike me - I wasn't usually an impulsive person. I couldn't just blurt out, "I like you", because I didn't even know if it was true. And . . . I just wasn't ready yet.

"What is it, Flynn?" Bree questioned, looking at me headfirst with her curious brown eyes.

"Actually, I don't think it's the right time to tell you yet," I said quickly. "But . . . just wait for it, okay? I won't forget what it is until it's the right time to tell you."

Bree gave me a puzzled look. "I'm kind of confused, but . . . there's also something I've been meaning to tell you, except I haven't found the right time either. I'm usually someone who cuts right to the chase, so here it is: -"

"Welcome to the Eiffel Tower Music Festival Summer Camp Program information meeting," an adult's voice interrupted over the mic. I glanced at Bree, and she shrugged, rolling her eyes. I smiled my wry smile - it came so naturally now.

"Thank you for your interest in the summer camp program that is being held this year in Paris, France," the teacher continued. A few people in the audience cheered - I guessed they were pretty excited about this, too. Bree and I grinned at each other, and I could feel a blush creeping up onto my cheeks. I quickly stamped it down. I had to stop this behavior. I quickly looked away so Bree couldn't see my expression. What was it about this girl that made me so nervous and happy at the same time?

"In this meeting, we will be presenting a slideshow with most of the information you will need to be able to decide if you want to audition for the program, as well as how. For the students who are accepted into the program (the results are coming out in June), there will be further school meetings with detailed information regarding the program and the activities that will be taking place."

"I hope we'll eventually attend those meetings," Bree joked in a whisper. Gosh, her voice . . . it was so smooth . . .

I looked at her again with my eyebrows raised, then faced the front again to listen to the speaker. The presentation lasted for the entire lunch. By the end of it, I was even more impressed with the program than I had been before - especially because of the activities. There were going to be group tours around Paris, fireworks, field trips, games, hotel events, mini music competitions, workshops, friendship activities, and so much more. I was literally going to kill myself if I didn't work hard enough to get accepted into this program. It was too big of an opportunity to let it slip out of my hands.

Bree and I walked out of the theater together again. "So . . . they're only picking ten students from Seaside Heights? That's a really small amount, if you think about it," I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Technically only eight students, since two spots are already taken by you and me," Bree said, nudging me playfully.

I grinned again. I. Had. To. Stop. This. Behavior. Right. Now.

"I really hope Claude gets accepted, too," I said.

Bree nodded. "Definitely. And Arielle, too. Hey, you should talk to her some time. I could introduce you guys to each other later - if you don't mind."

"I don't mind," I responded, looking at Bree. "Well, I guess I'll see you later?" I smiled wryly, turning to face her.

"Definitely," she said. She waved and was just about to leave when I called her back.

"Hey, Bree? Wait up," I jogged up to catch up with her. "You were going to say something, right? Before the teacher interrupted?" I looked at her, curious. What had she been going to say?

"Oh, right," Bree said, hesitating and looking off to the side. "I actually don't think it's the right time to tell you, either, Flynn. But . . . if we ever get to go to Paris together, I promise I'll tell you there." With that, she turned and walked away.

If we ever get to go to Paris together, I promise I'll tell you there. Bree's smooth voice echoed in my head over and over again. It was the only thing I could think about for the rest of the day.

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