18 - Claude

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"Claude! I just got a text from Bree that she got the proof she needs to clear her name from Bronwyn!" Arielle came rushing up to me after school. I was putting my stuff away in my locker, and the sight of Arielle somehow relieved me in a way. And I was even more happy at the news she had just given me. "She's showing the proof to Mr. Henry with Flynn now."

"That's great, Arielle! I can't believe we all pulled it off! So it was Bronwyn?" I asked, smiling widely.

"Turns out it was. Bree's not being very clear about what exactly happened right now, but I'm sure she'll fill us in on the details some time soon," Arielle explained.

"By the way, don't you think it's kind of suspicious how Flynn and Bree are, like, so nice to each other?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. 

Arielle smiled mischievously. "Nice to each other? That's all? I'm positive something's going on between them, and what's funnier is that I don't even think they know it themselves yet. Well, it's going to be a rude awakening for both of them once they realize it."

I chuckled. "Hey, Arielle, I just want to tell you that it was really great of you to suggest for all of us to help Bree, even though we didn't really know one another at first. I think that, even though this situation was definitely not a positive one, it really brought us together. I hope we'll all keep being friends, especially if we get to go to Paris together."

Arielle whispered, "Me, too, Claude."

She winked and walked away with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

That girl was . . . definitely making me wonder about a lot of different things.


"Bree! Flynn! How did everything go with Mr. Henry?" I asked, noticing them walking toward me down the hallway. I was so glad to see them.

"Hey, Claude! Good news! Name cleared!" Bree said, smiling widely.

"And her chance at the Eiffel Tower Summer Camp isn't being threatened anymore," Flynn added, smirking. That was his way of smiling.

"That's great! I'm so glad everything worked out, Bree. And I'm also glad that we've all become something close to friends," I said, grinning. 

Just then, we saw Arielle walking by. She stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw us. "Bree!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around her and smiling at all of us. "How did it go?"

"Name cleared!" Bree said again. "But, wow, you haven't gone home yet, Arielle?"

"Well, I decided to wait you guys out. So I could know what happened in person," Arielle said, sheepishly shrugging.

"That was a good choice," Flynn grinned.

"Um, guys . . . I just wanted to tell you guys something," Bree said. "But before that, in case you were wondering, this poster is about the Spring/Summer School Dance that's happening in May, which isn't too far away. Mr. Henry gave it to me. Apparently, 8th graders are allowed to attend, too. You can go with, um, a . . . partner, I guess, or just with your friends. Not that it's mandatory."

"Oh, yeah, I've heard about the dance. My friends are all about it," Arielle nodded. "Are any of you guys going? I probably am. At least, all my friends are."

"I think I'll pass. As usual," Flynn said, raising his eyebrows.

"Me, too," Bree agreed. "It's not really my kind of thing."

I nodded. "It's not really like I have anyone to go with, and my friends probably aren't that interested."

"Aww, come ON, you guys! What if we all go as a group?" Arielle persuaded.

Flynn and I blanched. "Uhh . . ." we both said. "That's a little awkward," Flynn spoke for both of us.

"Guys, there's no need to be all awkward about it," Arielle groaned, slightly irritated. "Have you never been to any parties?"

"Nope," Bree and Flynn said at the same time. They exchanged wry glances. Which was pretty suspicious.

"Seriously?! Have you both been living under a rock?" Arielle said, her blue eyes as wide as saucers.

"Pretty much," Bree said point-blank.

"Okay, since YOU two aren't compromising AT ALL, why don't just Claude and I go?" Arielle said, turning to me.

"Woah, Arielle, did you actually just ask out Claude to the school dance?" Flynn said, raising his eyebrows.

Arielle rolled her eyes at Flynn. "I don't know if you're one to speak, Flynn."

Bree blinked, raising one eyebrow. So it was true that Bree and Flynn didn't realize that anything was going on between them yet.

"What do you mean?" Bree said, looking at Arielle. She showed no trace of awkwardness, though, so it was either that Bree was really good at hiding her emotions (which I suspected already, anyway), or that she genuinely didn't know what Arielle was talking about.

Flynn cleared his throat, trying to change the subject. "So, um, Bree, you wanted to tell all of us something before the topic of the school dance came up, right?"

"Right," Bree said, shaking her head. "Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is this: Thank you, all of you. I would never have gotten this far without any of you. And . . . I really hope we can continue to be friends. And that we'll all end up going to Paris together. Anyway, that was a pretty lame speech, but . . . yeah. I just wanted to let you know."

"I'm so moved," Flynn said sarcastically, his eyes half closed. Arielle shot him a dirty look and turned to Bree.

"Thank you, Bree. And, no, your speech wasn't lame at all. I'm just glad that we all got to know each other along the way. And I agree with you about hoping that we'll all end up going to Paris together," Arielle said amicably.

Bree took a deep breath. "Arielle, thank you for being the optimist of our group, even during the most troubling times. You're the one who made this all happen. Claude, thank you for being so funny at times. And for helping me even though you barely knew me at first. And Flynn . . . thanks for just . . . being there. To help me out. I couldn't have done it without you."

I knew that Bree had wanted to say a lot more to Flynn than that, but she had just been holding back. Their relationship was kind of confusing, even for them, so I knew that it was hard for Bree to say anything too meaningful just yet.

"I, um, also have something to say," I said tentatively. "Bree, thank you for remaining so calm and making sure that we all work together. Flynn, thank you for helping Bree the most. And Arielle, thank you for being the optimist and always being on top of your game."

I had wanted to say more to Arielle, too, but I guessed that it just wasn't the time yet. Oh, well. It would come soon enough.

"Great! Thanks, you guys!" Arielle exclaimed cheerfully. "Now, about that school dance . . ."

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