17 - Bree

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I walked into the cafeteria at lunch time, my phone safely hidden in my pocket. It was finally time to confront Bronwyn - and even though I felt a little bad for accusing my former "friend", I knew that I was doing the right thing, like Arielle had said yesterday at our meeting at my house.

I was just about to arrive at my usual table when I accidentally bumped into Flynn. "Oops, sorry," I said hastily, thinking he was just a random person.

"Oops, sorry back," Flynn said sarcastically. "Miss me?"

"Oh! Hey, Flynn. Didn't recognize you there. I don't normally see you around in the cafeteria," I recovered, smiling ruefully.

"Wow, I am so flattered," he teased. "Where are you off to? Is it where I think you're going?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm confronting Bronwyn now. Wish me good luck."

As I turned to continue toward my lunch table, Flynn grabbed my arm. "Hey, Bree? I just want you to know that you're doing the right thing. I'm not unfamiliar with trusting myself and myself only, so I just want to give you that piece of advice. And when you're doubtful, just think about the summer camp." He winked.

"Thanks, Flynn. I mean, for real. I hope this goes the way we planned." I smiled appreciatively.

I made my way over to the table. My friends were busily chattering amongst each other as usual, and I approached Bronwyn as confidently as I could.

"Hey, Bronwyn? Could I . . . talk to you for a sec? It's really important," I said, tapping her on the shoulder. Her expression immediately darkened when she saw me, and I was guessing that she had an idea of what I wanted to talk about, and that it wasn't in her favor.

"Um, actually, Bree, I'm kind of busy right now," Bronwyn said, annoyed. I was honestly surprised at her behavior. Bronwyn had always been a smart, polite girl; I didn't know why she suddenly acting like someone had just rubbed her the wrong way. My temper rose as I thought about how I should be the one who was mad right now, not her.

"I said it's really important," I said firmly. "You know me, Bronwyn. I'm not the type of person who talks about anything that's not worth talking about."

"Oh, yeah, I know, everyone knows you're the best and most reasonable person on the planet, Bree," she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "But not everything's about you, if you haven't already noticed. You're not even popular. Just who do you think you are?"

I was utterly appalled at Bronwyn's aggressive behavior. Who did she think she was? I was losing it now.

"The reason I'm calling you, also CALMLY, by the way, is because this is about you, actually. It's serious. You don't have to talk to me for the rest of your life, unless you want to get suspended from school," I shot back. This did it. Bronwyn blanched, and from that moment on, I knew that she was, indeed, the guilty suspect. It was obvious from head to toe.

Before she could say anything else, though, I swiftly grabbed my phone from my pocket and pressed the voice record button. It was game on.

"Fine, I'm coming. But you can't do anything to me or boss me around like you think, BreANNE. Something you have to realize is that not everything in the world is decided by you, and that you can't control everything and do anything you want. If you actually think that for one second, you're horribly mistaken," Bronwyn said, her face turning redder and redder with frustration.

I blinked. Woah. Had she been holding this in since, like, the BEGINNING of our friendship? Fine, whatever. If SHE wanted to be enemies, so be it. I had no problem with that whatsoever.

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