26 - Claude (Part 1)

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"Bree and Flynn? What?" I said, confused. Arielle had just told me that she thought that something was wrong with both Bree and Flynn. 

"They've been acting weird ever since the tour," Arielle whispered fiercely. We were in the Academy's dining hall for lunch, and Bree and Flynn were nowhere to be seen.

"How?" was all I mustered.

"I dunno, it just feels like they're keeping something from us," Arielle said, glancing to the side as if she were afraid that someone was listening.

"And that 'something' is not the fact that they maybe-kinda-sorta like each other?" I asked, scratching my head. I mean, that was the only thing that I could think of.  

"No," Arielle snapped. Whatever she was feeling was really bothering her, apparently. "It's something else. Something secret. They're onto something, and they're not telling us. Doesn't that bother you?"

"Um, yeah, I guess?" I peeped. "Maybe there's a reason they're not telling us whatever it is. I'm sure they wouldn't be up to something behind our backs, because we're all best friends."

"Maybe," Arielle muttered, looking down at her drink. "So what do you think we should do, Claude? Should we confront them or something?"

"How about we just wait until something more suspicious comes up. We can't jump to conclusions yet, at this point," I said.

"But what if something bad happens? Like, I don't know, if Bree and Flynn do something secretly, something could happen," Arielle said, looking like she didn't even know what she was talking about, in spite of herself.

"Both of them are originally pretty mysterious human beings. They'll figure it out, Arielle. If they needed us right now, they would tell us about it," I protested.

Arielle sighed, then looked at me. "I hope that's true. And they better not be up to something bad, or I'm coming for them, whether they like it or not."


I approched Bree and Flynn as soon as I saw them strolling together down a hallway. I hadn't seen them at all today until now, so I was curious about where they had been. Especially because of what Arielle had said earlier.

"Bree! Flynn! Where have you guys been?" I said, rushing up to face them.

Bree blinked. So did Flynn. Then they looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Um." Bree stared at me, frozen in place. This was, like, the first time I had ever caught her the slightest bit off guard.

"We were, um . . ." Flynn said, looking more nervous than I had ever seen him.

"We just had a few . . . things to observe," Bree managed.

I raised my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"It's, um, not that important. And it's nothing sus or anything, either. We just . . . um, had to do a few things," Flynn stammered. Bree shot him a look.

"Look, guys, I don't know what's going on, but you really have to fill me in. Because from where I'm standing, something really fishy is going on behind my and Arielle's backs. We're your friends, aren't we?" I demanded.

Bree sighed, then looked at Flynn. "I know. And we're really sorry, but . . . it has to wait. You'll get to know about it soon, I promise."

Flynn nodded curtly, saluted me, and walked quickly away, Bree following him and glancing behind her shoulder apologetically at me.

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