24 - Flynn

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I was floating. I was definitely in a dream. Definitely. There was nothing - NOTHING - stopping me from believing that I was dreaming. I pinched myself - hard - and let out a small yelp. Okay, FINE. So I wasn't dreaming. That was a good thing, though.

I felt like I had just won the lottery or something. I had actually gotten accepted into the Eiffel Tower Music Festival Summer Camp Program! With Bree and Claude! I was still waiting on Arielle's results, though, because she was last on the list.

I impatiently tapped my foot - there was no way only one of us wasn't going to Paris this summer. No way. Arielle was one of the best musicians I had ever seen - there was no way she wasn't going to get in.

Just then, a 'ding' sounded on my phone. I knew who it was from - Arielle. She had finally gotten her results - I just knew it.

Arielle: Guys, you won't believe this. I'm proud to confirm that all four of us are going to Paris together this summer!!!

A wide smile spread slowly over my face. The cake was finally complete, with the cherry on top and all. The whole crew was on board. And we were ready to set sail.

Flynn: Way to go, Arielle!!


Claude: I'm so glad, Arielle!

A bunch of texts filed in, one after the other, when we realized that all four of us were actually going to Paris together this summer - just like how we had always wished it would be, right from the beginning. I was beyond happy. Beyond ecstatic. Beyond over-the-moon. I was on the SUN! It was a total dream-come-true, and I couldn't believe it. I didn't think I ever would. Now I didn't have to worry about the program anymore, too - my parents had to do the worrying now. To pay the expensive tuition. But, hey, a summer camp in Paris with people from around the world and professional musicians, an actual Eiffel Tower show, hundreds of programs and activities, food and hotel rooms, and two months' worth of fun had reason to be more than $8000, in my opinion.

My mind filled with happiness all over again when I recalled the email I had received containing my audition results:

Eiffel Tower Music Festival Summer Camp Program Admission Letter
From: ETMFSCPannual@gmail.com
To: flynnviolin3357@gmail.com

Dear Candidate Flynnigan Armani,

Thank you for your application and audition for the annual official Eiffel Tower Music Festival Summer Camp Program. It was a very tough decision to make this year, but we are extremely pleased to inform you that we would like to offer you a place in this year's ETMFSCP that is taking place in Paris, France for a total of two months: July and August. The adjudicators were very impressed with your performance, and we believe that you would be a great asset to the program this summer. You have achieved the Distinguished Audition Performance Award. If you decide to accept this offer and agree to pay the tuition in full to reserve your spot in the program, more details will soon follow both at your school and individually. Thank you once again, and we hope to hear back from you soon.


Not only had I gotten accepted into the program (unbelievably), I had also managed to achieve the Distinguished Audition Performance Award, which was the highest level of achievement. Advanced was the second highest, Honours was the third, and Standard was the fourth. 

I couldn't wait to talk about it with everyone back at school on Monday. Especially with Bree.

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