16 - Flynn

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"Hey, Flynn!" Bree waved at me from a little down the hallway. She was waiting for me, and she was just about to go into Mr. Henry's Science classroom for her meeting after school.

"Wow, you actually waited for me. What a surprise," I said sarcastically, raising my eyebrows.

"Stop talking," Bree snapped. "I'm about to go in."

"Yeah, I figured," I said, rolling my eyes. "I'll wait out here."

"Thanks for coming," Bree flashed a smile. "I hope I won't be long."

She walked with an even pace into the Science classroom, her bulging backpack slung over her shoulder. "Hey, Mr. Henry? You wanted to talk to me, right?" she said, keeping her voice calm.

I took a deep breath - I hoped this wouldn't end badly.

"Ah, yes, Bree," Mr. Henry said. "I've been waiting for you."

The rest of the conversation was a lot softer, so I really needed to strain to listen to what they were saying.

"I'm not necessarily saying that you cheated, Bree, because I know that you're a fantastic and honest student, but this is just too odd of a situation for me to let it slide," Mr. Henry was saying. "If you can somehow prove to me that you are not to blame, I will be glad to accept it, but I want you to know that specific actions have consequences, and that, if not proven otherwise, this will be recorded on your Seaside Heights report."

My stomach lurched, and I felt like I was sick again. I had been utterly shocked when Arielle had first told us all about the situation, but now, it dawned on me that it was becoming more and more serious - and more real. I feared what Bree's punishment would be if we weren't able to clear her name soon, and I felt horrible that this was happening to her, even though I would never admit it.

"Yes, I am aware of that," Bree's calm voice floated out of the classroom. "I promise to try my best to clear my name before things get out of hand. Now, Mr. Henry, could I just request one thing before I am dismissed?"

I leaned in closer, curious. What was Bree going to ask Mr. Henry?

"Yes, Bree, what is it?" Mr. Henry questioned.

"I would like to see your browsing history," Bree said. I was honestly kind of surprised at her bravery. Not every student would be bold enough to ask a high school teacher for access to his computer, especially not one that was currently being accused of cheating.

"W-why, yes, if you must," Mr. Henry answered, clearly taken aback by Bree's request. I heard him sliding his computer over to her. I heard a few clicks and a few keyboard noises before hearing Bree voice.


"What is it, Bree?" Mr. Henry said, curious. "Did you find something in your favor?"

"Here," Bree said. "Mr. Henry, do you see the time on your computer? Your browsing history suggests that your Google Drive file with the Science exam answer key was opened at 3:16 pm after school on Monday, four days before the exam. May I ask if any students were in your classroom or had access to your computer after school on that day?"

I gasped internally. This was definitely a scoop. Bree's discovery had potential to be one more big step toward the real culprit.

"Why, yes," Mr. Henry said suddenly with an amazed tone in his voice. "I know for a fact that you, Bree, never came into my classroom after school at all this year. But I do remember that . . . Bronwyn Peterson and Jake Hayford came in here on that very day after school to work on the Spring/Summer School Dance poster, and they both had access to my computer the whole time. I see where you're coming from, Bree."

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