33 - Bree (Part 1)

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My eyes fluttered open. I looked around with blurry vision and saw Arielle, Archer, Claude, and Ivy all sleeping, their backs against the walls of our hideout.

But the first person that came to my mind, as always, was Flynn.


With a sudden start, I scampered outside, skidding to a stop on my knees halfway out the opening of the corner.

Flynn Armani was nowhere to be seen. Wasn't he supposed to be on his watch?

Flynn! I thought frantically, my mind and heart starting to race. Where is he?? Was he kidnapped by the Masked Guy? Did he run off to chase him down by himself? Without telling any of us?!

I rushed out of our hideaway and turned a corner, already out of breath. If the Masked Guy did something to him, I swear that I'll -


A few feet away, I could see a metal flight of stairs seemingly leading to the very top of the cathedral.

The balcony, I thought. Of course. Why didn't I think of that sooner? Flynn must have gone up there to look at the stars and think by himself.

I sighed, then started climbing up the flight of stairs. It was secure and didn't wobble against my weight, but I could see the ground gradually getting farther away from me. And because my sight was still sleep-impaired, I kept feeling the urge to rub my eyes.

Finally, I let out a breath that I hadn't known I was holding when I arrived at the top balcony of the Notre Dame Cathedral.

I looked around, and I was amazed by everything that I could see from up here. The Eiffel Tower. All of the beautiful Parisian buildings. Other famous landmarks. The brilliant stars, and the obsidian night sky.

And . . . Flynn Armani.

There he was, leaning against the railings of the balcony with a wistful and reflective look on his face.

Argh, all of that worrying for nothing, I thought, slightly annoyed. There he is, untouched and unharmed. But then again . . . how could I ever not worry about him?

". . . Flynn?" I said softly.

He turned around. I was standing some distance away from him, tiredly rubbing my eyes and squinting at him through the darkness.

"You're still on your watch?" I asked.

". . . Yeah. Just thought that I would take a little break before Archer switches with me," he answered, surprisingly softly. He took a step towards me. "Why are you awake? You should go back to sleep."

"Nah," I said, laughing as I joined him on the edge of the balcony. "I'm a night owl, so there are a lot of times when I wake up during the night."

Well, I am a night owl, but that somehow isn't the real reason why I'm awake right now, my mind whispered.

The warm, golden lights from the Eiffel Tower and the cathedral illuminated my face as I stepped closer to Flynn. I could feel his blue eyes glued on me, watching my every movement.

When was the last time that we had been alone together, with no one else around us? I couldn't really remember, because whenever it was, it had probably been a long time ago.

I wonder why I care, I thought, avoiding Flynn's eyes. I wonder why I care so much about you, and about your life, and whether you get hurt. But at the same time, you have no idea how much you make me smile, how much I secretly love talking to you, how much I like teasing you just to see your reaction . . . or how much I wish . . . I wish . . .

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