chapter 34

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The next morning Heaven woke up a little happy that she could finally go live with Seth. She couldn't stand seeing Wyatt anymore, he's a lier. Heaven walked into the bathroom then undressed herself. Walking over to the mirror she looked at herself then cringed a little. "I look like shit" Heaven whispered then run her hand through her hair. She stepped back a little then examined her baby bump. "I still can't believe you are growing inside of me, so much is happening right now but as soon as this is all over mommy won't have to worry so much" Heaven said as she made her way over to the tub.

Heaven took a long bath then got herself ready. "Where is my phone?" She said as she looked everywhere but couldn't find it. "I swear I had it with me yesterday, maybe I left it in the kitchen or so" she said as she made her way over to the door. Placing her hand on the knob she tried turning the knob but the door wouldn't open. "Why is the door locked."

"Mommy, I wanna come in" Zara said. Heaven wondered why the door was locked and she didn't have a key to open it.

"The guest room is never locked, baby where is Wyatt?" Heaven asked as she started to worry.

"He left and he said that he will come back soon" Zuri paused then started hitting the door "Mommy I want to see you, open" Zuri whined.

"I can't baby it's locked, wait until daddy gets back okay" Heaven told the twins and they started crying.

"No! I wanna come in" Zuri cried even louder and Heaven sighed. She didn't know that Wyatt would stoop so low to lock her inside the room.

"Did you girls eat something?" Heaven asked.

"No, I want to see you" Zuri cried and Heaven was angry at Wyatt.

"Why are you girls crying" Wyatt asked as he approached them.

"We want mommy"  Zara said and Wyatt stooped down to their level.

"You'll see mommy soon, let's get you girls something to eat" He assured them and Zuri shook her head then pointed at the door.

"Wyatt open the door!" Heaven shouted.

"No I'm not opening the door Heaven cause you're not leaving"

"Your crazy if you think I'm staying here with you"

"I get why you want a divorce Heaven but I'm sorry okay, I messed up big time and I regret it please don't leave"  He begged.

"Wyatt you're making me stress so much and it's not good for the baby" Heaven told him as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

"Wait, I'll do that thing that I used to do when you were pregnant with the twins it always calms you down" Wyatt said then quickly grabbed the keys from his pocket. He opened the door and Heaven pushed him then walked out of the room.

"Don't even think of touching me" Heaven said and Wyatt got angry then grabbed her hand, pulling her body towards him. "Let me go Wyatt" Heaven said then started hitting his chest.

"Mommy" Zuri said as she wiped her tears.

"Zuri and Zara go inside your room, mommy and I are having a talk" Wyatt said but they just stood there looking at them. "Go!" He shouted making them jump then started to cry.

"Don't shout at them!" Heaven shouted as she tried getting away from his hold. Wyatt's gripped tighten and Heaven whimpered. "You are hurting me" Heaven whined. "Let me go Wyatt, what has gotten into you?" Heaven asked when she saw how abusive he was being, she was starting to get a little scared.

"No, I can't let you leave Heaven I love you, what about the twins and the baby, I'm trying here Heaven" He said and Heaven started to cry. She hated how he was treating her and the kids.

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