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This story, the very one that you have in your hands, is a tale of two people and their friends. These two individuals have known each other since they were of a young age. That is exactly where our tale will start.

It will start on the first day these two individuals have met... 

"Euphemia, it is lovely to see you once more," spoke Myrtle Evans.
The Queen of Ravenclaw was a beautiful woman. Her soft brown hair was tied back into an elegant bun with two strands of hair left out and curled to frame her face. She was wearing a navy ball gown, a shade that was much darker than her light blue eyes. 

"My dear Myrtle! It has been long!" Euphemia Potter embraced her old friend who she hasn't seen in quite some while, maybe a little bit over a year. 
"Where are your children?"

"Petunia, my eldest," the Queen of Ravenclaw introduced the fourteen-year-old princess. 

The eldest child of Myrtle and Hugo Evans was only a teenage girl of age fourteen, but she had the utmost proper etiquette than any other fourteen-year-old royal. Although she had her mother's blue eyes, she also had her mother's blond eyes. 

"You have grown since I have last seen you, Pet," Euphemia nodded to the bowing teenager. 

"It has been a long time, Your Majesty," Petunia rose to a proper stand. She had always been the picture-perfect princess by heart and by attitude. She learned the lessons she was taught quickly and she tried to apply them as quickly as possible. 

"What a sweet pea," the Queen of Gryffindor responded with a smile. "I am sure she will be raised to make a proud queen one day."

"My sister could be my advisor,"Petunia agreed, sharing a dream she has had in her mind for a while. 

"Your sister! That's right," Euphemia remembered. "Where is your little lily flower?"

"Seemingly attached to her father," Hugo Evans said as he entered the room, Fleamont by his side. "Who had just had a lovely chat with Potter here."

"Evans, I will seize the day I beat you at a game."

"Let's see if the day ever comes," Hugo Evans scoffed. 

"It will," Fleamont promised. "I could feel it."

Myrtle led the ten-year-old child to greet the queen. With what little etiquette the redhead was recently taught, she managed to properly bow down to the Queen of Gryffindor and her King, who oversaw that he was beside his queen when the redhead managed to do the little respectful task. 

Lily Alexandria Evans had inherited red hair that neither of her parents has, but she had been told that she looked similar to her maternal grandmother, a woman who had the same redheaded trait. Fortunately, she seemed to have inherited her father's green jewel eyes. 

"She looks as old as our James," Euphemia commented. "Where is our son?"

"My flower is a year younger than your son, I believe," Hugo commented, starting to get protective.

"James, get away from your mother's skirt," Fleamont commanded lightly when he found his son behind the queen's skirt. 

"Yes, father," spoke the young prince, coming out and greeting the other royals. When he came to greet Lily, she immediately hid behind her mother's skirt. 

The adults, Petunia as well, laughed at the gesture. 

"Lily, he won't bite," Petunia assured her younger sister. 

Lily trusted her sister greatly, which is why she moved away from her mother's skirt and bowed at James. All the time, she kept her eyes on the young prince just in case. 
He did the same. Even as the eleven-year-old prince bowed out of respect, he made sure his hazel eyes stayed connected to her emerald eyes. 

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