𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔥 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯

56 8 24

The people have started to arrive. 

Yes, the ball has finally arrived. Let me tell you that this is the very climax of our story because multiple things happen in the ball. The characters of this story sometimes are surprised by the fact that all of it happened in one day, in one night to be accurate. 

So, this time, let us start with Ravenclaw. By that, I mean let us see their preparation process. 

Emmeline Vance was modeling a dark color - something between green and black. She settled on a simple black dress with short sleeves. An easy brown belt supported her waist. The skirt of her dress had gold patterns, which she knew will be matched with gold jewelry on the day of the ball.
Her blond hair was left in its natural plain state. Alice barely convinced her to model a simple gold headband that matched the gold jewelry she was wearing. 

Alice Longbottom's final choice was a pink color, a shade that can be seen in the morning sky for those who wake up early. The bodice of her dress had pale yellow circle patterns that added a little touch to the simple dress.
Her hair was softly curled and placed in a half-up, half-down hairdo that showed off her pale pink earrings that were a gift from her husband. 

Dorcas Meadows had fully decided from the start that she will wear her suit of armor and wait around the premises of Hogwarts Castle in case something happened.
Her hair was in its usual braids that were pulled up into a ponytail. Additional to that, her trusty sword was right at her side. 

Amelia Bones' dress was a pale blue color, one that was in between blue and gray. Her dress was sleeveless with a grecian neckline, but it was covered with enough feathers to hide its true shape.
Her blond hair was tied up into a high ponytail. Her simple pearl earrings matched her pearl necklace, a birthday gift long ago from her queen. 

Mary Macdonald was going to wear a dark red dress. The sleeves were long, the neckline was in a V-shape, and there was a sparkling thick belt around her waist that the young girl simply adored.
Although she was wearing what was deemed a Gryffindor color, red served the woman well. Her hair was tied back into one braid that reached just a couple of inches beyond her shoulder

Finally, Lily Evans was going to wear silver. She was going to own the color gray, as Euphemia had spoken. The top part, the bodice, looked like chains. From the waist down, the skirt had wondrous designs. 
Her hair was put into a regal updo with a small crown as the final touch. It was a suggestion from King Gellert, and Lily honestly did not wish for any wars. 

Before I head on to the actual ball, I suppose I'll add a few other princesses and their choice of dresses. After all, the males were mostly all supporting similar suits. 

Princess Narcissa Black was supporting a pale green dress. It had an off-shoulder neckline with poofy and sheer sleeves. Her black hair was pulled down into an elegant bun with a small, gold tiara on top. 

There was also one more princess in all four nations apart from Hogwarts, Ciara Diggory was modeling a yellow color. On that yellow dress, there was a narrow front part made of white fabric. That same fabric made a tracing of the dress's neckline as well as the end part of her sleeves. 
Her hair was pin-straight down, the only design was one braid at the left side of her face. 

Oh, and everyone was supporting a masquerade mask with a similar color to their dress. From the male's point, they either wore black or the color of detail in their suit. 

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

The moment was repeated. 

"Take off your shoes," she asked her ladies once more, a question she had once asked them around five years ago. 

"Not this again," Emmeline chastised. 

"Yes, this again," said Lily. "Come on. I did not take no for an answer then, I shall not take one now."

"Maybe if you demand Emmeline, she would listen," Amelia commented as she took off her shoes.

"Come on, it's going to be fun!" Mary encouraged Emmeline. 

Emmeline rolled her eyes with a sigh. She took off her shoes, the other girls cheering in victory. 

So, they danced. The only difference was that this time, they were wearing masquerade masks. Barely anyone knew the other, except if they were the closest of mates. 

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"You look like the moon," he stood beside her.

She scoffed. 
"That is one of the cheesiest things you have ever said, James Potter."

"But it is true."

There was a light blush on her cheeks. One that he noticed, and she suspected such a thing. 

"I didn't get to dance with you," he said, putting out his hand for her to take if she wished. 

She looked at his hand and then to his face, which was covered with a masquerade mask as dark as drying blood. With the events at Ravenclaw, her thoughts have been getting darker. But somehow with him, they disappear for a little while. Even when he is annoying her. Especially then. 

Hearing the faint music, she grabbed his hand and fell into the traditional dance with him. They danced and swayed to the soft music that they were only able to hear because of the silence. She even laid her head on his chest. 

"You look like you desire to doze off."

"I don't genuinely like balls," Lily muttered. 

"You used to love them."

"Used. Past tense, Potter."

"Back to Potter, eh?"

"It's always going to be Potter," she looked up at him, her chin on his chest. "That is your surname, is it not?"

He gave her a soft smile. 

But they broke apart when someone came rushing to them. 

"Oh, apologizes," Ciara Diggory slowly grinned, giving James a quick wink. "But, come on, because Grindelwald's making an announcement. Tolls like one would not desire to neglect."

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

He was making an announcement, but her mind was in some other place. It was thinking of the moment she had just had with the Prince of Gryffindor. 

"You look like you desire to doze off."

"I don't genuinely like balls," Lily muttered.

"You used to love them."

"Used. Past tense, Potter."

"Back to Potter, eh?"

"It's always going to be Potter," she looked up at him, her chin on his chest. "That is your surname, is it not?"

The moment ran too quick, she conceded. If she could go back in time and just freeze the instant, she would. Particularly after what she was just about to hear.

"We welcome a marriage this season!" Gellert announced to the watching crowd. 

"A wedding?" Mary whispered to the ears of the Ravenclaw group. 

"A union, between Slytherin and Gryffindor! The bride of Slytherin and the groom from Gryffindor," Gellert smiled. "Congratulations, James Potter and Narcissa Black. Or should I say, soon-to-be Potter, future Queen of Gryffindor?" 

A glass goblet fell to the floor and crashed. 

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

The ball was great up until the point where the arranged marriage was announced. This ought to bring trouble, no?

See you Friday (hopefully)!

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