Sρҽƈιαʅ Tԋαɳƙʂ

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To fit with the story, let us make this into a letter...

Dear readers (both old and new),

Thank you for bearing with me and this story. It probably was wacky, but one idea has officially left my head. Future projects will hopefully be better because one gets better with practice, right?

Yet, we aren't here to apologize, we are here to say thank you.

Thank you to Maddy ( @TheAmazingMaddy ) and Abbi ( @abbilovegood ) for being my number one supporters. I do not think there is a book of mine you have left unread and didn't show your biggest support on it. It is about fucking time I thanked you. 

Thank you to everyone else as well (yeah, I won't forget my other readers). The other people who have bore me throughout this story need a thank you as well because I am a mess and I don't know how you handled me :). 

Lastly, I would like to thank the characters for riding on this silly little adventure. I would also like to thank Pandora for narrating this story. I quite liked her character to the point that she is my profile picture for this theme. 

All in all, thank you to everyone. Give yourselves a clap or a pat in the back from me for dealing with this story. May the future be much better.

The story giver,  

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