𝔉𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔥 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯

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Any queen had her own duties and for Queen Lily, one of those duties was to check on the many factories that Ravenclaw happened to have.

It had become a regular routine that every Wednesday afternoon the queen inspects the factories. She also happens to make sure everyone is doing fine and tries to brighten up the days of the young children who have lost hope.
Although sometimes she does not accomplish that particular task, she at least tried. That is something she is yet to learn.

On one particular Wednesday afternoon, it was as if someone was against her.

That is a question you may be asking.

Well, the queen happened to be close to a factory that exploded the moment she was a couple of yards near.

There was no more silence in Ravenclaw. Chaos seemed to have returned. 

Hufflepuff was still taking residence in Gryffindor when they heard the news. In fact, let me tell you exactly how they heard the news. 

They were enjoying a peaceful breakfast. To be more exact, it was not only peaceful but also a pleasurable morning.

"Amo! Pass me the fruit platter," Ciara shouted directly in her brother's ear. 

"My ears," Amos Diggory complained. 

"That is payback."

"That's why you're my favorite sister," Benedict grinned at her. 

"I'm your only sister."

The way the news reached them was by a boy fleeing from Ravenclaw after he managed to get a glimpse of the explosion from far away. That meant that the explosion was bright enough to see from very far away, as far as the borders of Ravenclaw most probably. Or at least the boy recalled that he was close to Ravenclaw. 

The boy even explained to both royal families how the queen does a routine check every Wednesday afternoon, something that is poorly predictable. Of course, he was only able to speak those facts after Ciara Diggory was able to calm him down. 

"Lily was never predictable," James muttered, words that were meant for himself only. 


"Nothing," he dismissed the subject. He glanced back at the monarchs of both nations. "What are we going to do? How are we going to help them?" 

"If Hufflepuff heads back now, we might be able to send some medicine in time," Queen Diana mused, looking at her husband for confirmation. He nodded. 

"Then we must go straight away," Ciara stood up. "Thank you for the hospitality, Mia, Flea, and Jam, but when there is a time to help, you must help." 

"I agree with Ciara on everything except that nickname," said Benedict. "Jam, really?" 

"He knows why."

"No, I don't," said James a little too quickly. 

"Denial!" the princess declared. 

"I'll hope to see you soon, Diana," Euphemia stood up and embraced the queen of the neighboring kingdom. 

"And I hope you find a way to help Ravenclaw in some way." 

"We will try," Fleamont promised as he shook the other king's hand. "But I do not know what Ravenclaw would do with soldiers when there is no direct attack. No sane monarch would show that they are doubtful of their own citizens."

"So, there is no way we can help?" James asked, looking at his father. 

"At the moment, son, no. But I'm sure we can think of something," the King of Gryffindor tried to give his son a little hope he knew was rare to find these days. 

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