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He has been here. It seemed like a long time ago...

James was taking a walk. He was lost in himself that he did not notice when he stumbled upon the area of a hut.

He saw no harm in knocking on the door, but if you asked him why he did it, he would not have a reply for you.

"I've been waiting for you," came the smiling face of King Gellert Grindelwald's sorceress.

"How did you know I was coming?"

"Fate told me," she welcomed him inside.

"Are you baking?" the prince asked.

"Yes, cookies for you."


"Why the cookies or why did Fate put this trouble in your hand?"


"Well, I told you I knew you were coming and it seemed rude to not welcome you with something to eat. My mother taught me that," Pandora said. She was wearing a cloak with the hood down, even though she was in her own home. "For your second question, I don't think I can give you an answer. Fate has its twist and turns."

"You are a sorceress," James stated. "Is there a possibility you can use your magic-"

"Let me stop you right there for more than one reason," Pandora interrupted, raising a finger with each reason she gave him.
"One, I am a sorceress, yes, but I do not have any magic. I simply believe in fate. Two, no one can interfere with fate. That is like a universal rule. Three, I simply wish you the best of luck. I agree, Fate has placed you in a sticky situation, but it did for a sure reason."

"It's been a long time," said the Queen of Hogwarts, still living in her small hut even after gaining a big title. 

"We've been busy," he was now King of Gryffindor. 

"How are you managing to merge Gryffindor and Ravenclaw?" she asked as she poured the tea.

"Harry is going to take Gryffindor once he's grown and capable enough," he explained. "Little Brook will be taking Ravenclaw when she turns twenty-two."

"The age her mother was when she got engaged," the Gold Witch remembered the moment.
Yes, she still went by that name. 

"It was a day after her birthday," James Potter recalled the way he proposed to his wife. 

There were more balls held, one each season, when Pandora Lovegood started her reign. She claimed it was to promote unity and it did. The four kingdoms had stronger connections throughout the years than they ever did when Gellert ruled Hogwarts. 

Speaking of the four kingdoms, I'm you are wondering what happened to them. I'm sure you picked up on Ravenclaw and Gryffindor's situation, but what about the two remaining directions?

The kingdom in the north, Hufflepuff, was handed over to Amos Diggory a week before his twenty-fourth. He ruled next to his wife, someone he met during a winter ball six months after his coronation, Lyra Chang. She was a beautiful woman with long black hair and sharp, icy eyes. 
So far, they have had three children.

Esther Diana Diggory was the eldest of the three. She was only twelve years old, the oldest of all the legacies, but she was intelligent. She got her father's blond hair, but her mother's sharp, icy eyes. 

The middle kid was Magnus Amos Diggory, a male carbon copy of his mother's features. He was a year and a half younger than his sister; one year, six months, and thirteen days to be exact. 

The youngest child was a girl of age eight and acted exactly like her father. She had his eyes, after all, but her hair was a brown shade similar to her aunt. Yet, unlike her aunt, her hair was curly like her father's. 

King Amos's two siblings also happened to have moved on in life. His brother, Benedict, also got married earlier this year. Elizabeth Wilton, an adventurous woman with short hair and big brown eyes, had got the prince to fall in love with her. It was not long ago that Benedict announced that his Lizzie was pregnant.

The last ABC Diggory sibling was Ciara Diggory. She was an unmarried woman, but she did not let that get the best of her. Instead, she set the sails with her lady-in-waiting. Every now and there, she would come to visit the kingdoms and see her many nieces and nephews. Usually, she had presents for them. 

There was one more kingdom we have not talked about: Slytherin. 

Orion suddenly fell ill with a sickness. Once he died, Walburga made sure that her son took the throne immediately. She even allowed him to marry the woman of his dreams. Marlene McKinnon-Black ruled Slytherin alongside her husband. 

A year within their reign, she got pregnant. Some people theorized she was pregnant before the marriage, but nothing has ever been confirmed. Either way, it was evident that Sirius Black married her for love. 

Their boy was nine years old and looked exactly like his father. But unlike his father, he was quite careful with life. Action-wise, he seemed to be just like his mother, who was once again pregnant with twins this time. 

Sirius also has two siblings we cannot forget about. 

Narcissa Malfoy had twin girls with her husband, who immediately fell in love with them the moment they came into the world. 

Ivy Malfoy was older by exactly two minutes and a half. She had her mother's black hair that she liked to keep short and in its natural wavy state. Her face was much similar to her twin sister's features. Although, unlike the short black hair, Iris Malfoy had long straight blond hair. 

Regulus Black had finally made his move on Mary MacDonald the previous autumn ball, after years of pinning against one another. I've heard some rumors he was going to propose soon, but I suppose only time may tell. 

"A ball is coming?"

"I'm thinking of making it royals-only for this season, just so we reconnect with one another," the queen explained. 

Children entered the small hut and embraced Pandora. 

"How are you, little ones?" Pandora asked as she hugged them back. 

"I lost a tooth!" Harry showed her a big grin.

"I'm sure the tooth fairy added something very good," Pandora nodded along with the little boy. "What about you, Brooklyn?" 

"This is my new dress," she said, twirling to show the lilac dress as it held up like a cupcake. 

"And you look very beautiful in it," Pandora smiled. 

"I heard someone wanted to hear a story," Lily Potter teased as her husband put a hand around her shoulders. 

"Maybe if they wait until the rest of the cousins show up?" 

"They're coming?"

"You did not tell me it's today," James whispered to the Gold Witch. 

"Why?" asked Sirius Black as he entered the room. "You don't want us, Prongs?" 


"Red, talk with your husband. He hurt me."

She just rolled her eyes in response. 

When everyone showed up eventually, the kids sat on the sofa and waited for me to tell the story. Ciara helped with some parts, throwing gifts at the kids every here and now, but it was mostly I who narrated the story. 

They did enjoy the story-telling of their Aunt Pandora and she loved them as well

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

To the thank yous we go...

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