5. Pretend Like Nothing Happened

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Lauren's POV


I washed my face with cold water and watched myself in the mirror as I stood up. I immediately averted my eyes, since I didn't even want to look at myself. 'How did I dare to do that? How did I dare to kiss her, knowing it was so wrong?'

I got out of the bathroom and picked up my luggage which was a mess. I had just thrown my stuff inside, without bothering to fold my clothes. I hadn't slept at all at night and the hangover didn't help at all.

I had to gain back my composure so the other girls wouldn't suspect something. Thankfully it was the day that we would go back to our home and I supposed the incident would be forgotten. Even if I wouldn't forget and how could I. But maybe she would forget about it and we could get back to normal. 'Jesus, who am I trying to deceive? I kissed Camila. Camila who has never been touched by someone in that way, and I expect her to forget? Forget that her best friend, Lauren, who used to be her role model, kissed her?'

I tried to clear my head and got out of the room. My face looked like a mess, but I would blame the hangover for it.

"I see you're also doing great!" Dinah said sarcastically, as soon as she saw me entering the hotel's lobby. She was bleary as well by the alcohol. They were all ready with their luggage, waiting for me. I fixed my eyes hesitantly to Camila. She was standing before Dinah, like hiding and was looking at her phone's screen.

"Yes." My voice was raspier than ever, barely sounding. I cleared my throat to get rid of that disturbing knot.

"Did alcohol make you snore and Mila came to our room?" Normani said and everyone laughed except me and Camila.

"Oh, someone is sulky," Dinah commented, watching me not reacting to their jokes.

Camila was speechless as well, with her gaze still pinched on her phone. 'She can't even face me.'

"She's probably sad because she won't be with us for the rest of three months." Ally said sweetly, looking better than the rest of us. "Come here for a group hug. I'm going to miss you so much." She said and we all got in her arms. My arms and feet moved mechanically.

I swallowed my anxiety and with lots of effort, I bid them farewell, one by one, except Camila with whom we would travel back to Miami. Of course, our seats in the aeroplane were next to each other. We had booked them long ago.

During the transport to the airport, Camila listened to music, without looking or talking to me at all. From time to time, her legs or hands would get fidgety and I realised she was nervous. And so was I. I couldn't speak and my mind buzzed by the overthinking of how I should handle the situation from now on.

The kiss was a mistake, in many aspects. It was something that it shouldn't be done. But it happened and it couldn't change. It happened. I kissed her. As much as I wanted it, I should be mature enough and have the least morality to hold back. I should keep my feelings for her hidden. I should have never kissed her. 'But why do my god damn lips feel numb since they touched hers? Why do I feel like they're still on mine?'

The situation got even harder when we took our seats on the aeroplane. Camila took off almost immediately her earphones, only to wear them back again. She was trying to avoid me in every way possible.

"Camila." My raspy voice came out like a whisper. I don't know how I found the courage to open my mouth. Camila froze instantly. "I think we should talk about what happened last night." My words were so hesitant that they mixed with my breath. My chest clenched by the pressure.

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